The Strategic Rural Industries Zone (SRIZ) recognises and provides for the retention and managed expansion of several established industries of strategic significance located in the rural areas of the District, being:
Fonterra Milk Processing Site at Kauri and Ancillary Irrigation Farms.
Croft Timber Mill at Kauri.
Cement Works at Portland.
Strategic Rural Industries are industrial activities that require a rural location due to specific operational requirements including infrastructure demands and proximity to resources (such as minerals and transport links) and the availability of suitable land. They are strategic because, in addition to their significance in terms of providing essential employment and services to the District, they may also be of regional or national importance due to their functions, the area served, the investment in infrastructure required for the establishment or on-going development of the activity, or their contribution to the economy.
Due to their strategic importance, it is important that Strategic Rural Industries are encouraged to continue to operate and develop, while acknowledging the potential for such industries to impact on surrounding rural activities due to the scale of their operations and nature of effects.
The term ‘Strategic Rural Industries’ is applied specifically in the District Plan to the Strategic Rural Industries Zone and does not include strategic industries located within the urban areas of the District and/or within other zones with existing specialised industrial functions (e.g. the Port Zone and the Marsden Point Energy Precinct).
It is anticipated that the Strategic Rural Industries Zone could be extended over time to other rural locations elsewhere in the District by way of plan changes to accommodate additional Strategic Rural Industries.
The Strategic Rural Industries Zone primarily provides for Strategic Rural Industries. Complementary commercial activities and industrial activities that do not compromise the functioning of existing Strategic Rural Industries may be appropriate.
Commercial quarries and mineral extraction activities will in future be assessed as Mineral Extraction Areas.
Maps of SRIZ are included in SRIZ Appendix 1.
SRIZ-O1Economic Development
Recognise the contribution established Strategic Rural Industries make to the vitality and economic viability of the District.
SRIZ-O2Appropriate Locations
Provide for the establishment and operation of Strategic Rural Industries in appropriate locations within the rural area.
SRIZ-O3Management Framework
Promote a flexible and targeted management framework for existing and/or prospective Strategic Rural Industries.
Maintain rural amenity and avoid reverse sensitivity effects in the vicinity of Strategic Rural Industries.
SRIZ-P1Manage Effects
To provide for and manage the effects of Strategic Rural Industries by identifying them as within the Strategic Rural Industries Zone.
SRIZ-P2Operation and Expansion
To provide for the ongoing operation and expansion of Strategic Rural Industries where adverse effects can be avoided, remedied or mitigated.
SRIZ-P3Avoid Fragmentation
To avoid fragmentation of Strategic Rural Industry Areas associated with further subdivision.
SRIZ-P4Reverse Sensitivity
To avoid potential reverse sensitivity effects from sensitive activities within Strategic Rural Industry Areas.
SRIZ-P5Incompatible Activities
To manage land use conflicts by ensuring that activities that are incompatible with the effects of Mineral Extraction Activities are not established within the Portland Strategic Rural Industries Zone.
SRIZ-P6Complementary Activities
To provide for complementary commercial activities and industrial activities where they do not compromise the functioning of existing Strategic Rural Industries.
SRIZ-R1Any Activity
Subject to SRIZ-R7, the provisions of the Rural Production Zone apply to the Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ – Ancillary Irrigation Farms.
SRIZ-R2Any Activity Not Otherwise Listed in This Chapter
Activity Status: Permitted
Resource consent is not required under any rule of the District Plan.
The activity is not prohibited under any rule of the District Plan.
SRIZ-R3Minor Buildings
Activity Status: Permitted
Minor buildings are exempt from rules SRIZ-R4 – R6.
SRIZ-R4Building and Major Structure Height
Activity Status: Permitted
In the Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ Area:
The maximum building height and major structure height is 20m above ground level, or is a boiler, silo, drier or evaporation plant with a maximum height of 65m above ground level, including any associated stacks.
In the Portland SRIZ Area:
The maximum building height and major structure height is 20m above ground level; or if part of the rock crusher, or utilised for the production of cement, the maximum height is 66m above ground level.
In the Croft Poles SRIZ Area:
The maximum building height and major structure height is 20m above ground level.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
SRIZ-R5Building and Major Structure Setbacks
Activity Status: Permitted
In the Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ Area and Croft Poles SRIZ Area:
All buildings and major structures are set back at least:
20m from the Rural Production Zone and Open Space and Recreation Zones.
4.5m from road boundaries.
27m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).
In the Portland SRIZ Area:
All buildings and major structures are set back at least:
20m from any other Zone boundaries.
27m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
SRIZ-R6Building and Major Structure Height in Relation to Boundary
Activity Status: Permitted
In the Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ Area and Croft Poles SRIZ Area:
All buildings and major structures do not exceed a height equal to 3m above ground level plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building or major structure and the site boundary.
In the Portland SRIZ Area:
All buildings and major structures do not exceed a height equal to 3m above ground level plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building or major structure and the site boundary with any Residential Zone, Rural Production Zone or Open Space and Recreation Zones except for the maintenance and upgrading of the cement works conveyor structure.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
SRIZ-R7Any Activity or Activities which are associated with Water Storage Ponds, Water Treatment Ponds or Irrigation Infrastructure
Activity Status: Permitted
In the Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ – Ancillary Irrigation Farms
SRIZ-R8Traffic Generation
Activity Status: Controlled
Any activity or activities:
Which cumulatively generate traffic movements from a SRIZ Area greater than the following:
Portland SRIZ:
700 heavy vehicle traffic movements total per day (24-hour period).
More than 25 heavy vehicle traffic movements per hour, which turn right from Portland Road on to the State Highway between 16:30 and 17:30.
Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ:
1,400 traffic movements per day (24-hour period).
Croft Poles Strategic Rural Industries Zone Area greater than the following:
400 traffic movements per day (24-hour period).
For which written approval has been provided from:
For Portland SRIZ Area and Croft Poles Site Area, the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Whangarei District Council Roading.
For Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ Area, the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Any application for resource consent under SRIZ-R8 shall be accompanied by a transport assessment statement including existing and proposed traffic volumes (including heavy vehicles).
Matters of control:
Effects on the transport network.
Design and location of access.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion:
Effects on the transport network.
Design and location of access.
Any application shall comply with information requirement rule SRIZ-REQ1.
SRIZ-R9Sensitive Activities
Activity Status: Non-Complying
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
Information Requirement Rules
SRIZ-REQ1Information Requirement
Any application for resource consent under SRIZ-R8 shall be accompanied by a transport assessment statement including existing and proposed traffic volumes (including heavy vehicles).
The Council will advise Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency of any application for land use consent lodged, under this rule.
SRIZ Appendix 1 – Maps
Figure SRIZ 1 shows:
Croft Poles Kauri SRIZ Area outlined in red
Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site SRIZ Area outlined in blue
Figure SRIZ 2 shows:
Portland SRIZ Area outlined in pink.