This chapter defines the meaning of words used in this Plan. Words defined in the Resource Management Act 1991 have the same meaning in this Plan, unless the context otherwise requires. Where a word is followed by an asterisk (*), the definition that follows is the meaning provided in the Resource Management Act 1991 and is repeated here to assist the readers. In the case of any inconsistency, the statutory definition prevails.
General Rules of Interpretation
Any term which is not defined in this section takes its common meaning from the Concise Oxford Dictionary (Ninth Edition) or the Williams Māori Dictionary (Seventh Edition).
Lists of items (for example, conditions, standards and terms in rules) and sub-paragraphs within paragraphs are to be read conjunctively, unless expressed as alternatives.
Singular includes plural and vice versa.
Cross references are for the assistance of the reader and are not necessarily exhaustive.
Definitions of Māori terms are necessarily a brief approximation of meaning and have to be expanded and understood in the context of the specific usage and local language differences.
Where a definition contains the word “includes” or “including” and is followed by a specific item or activity, or a list of specific items or activities, these shall be interpreted as falling within that definition.
There are five “definition groupings” which gather specific land use activities into similar categories. These include: Rural Production Activities, Industrial Activities, Residential Activities, Commercial Activities and Community Activities. Within each grouping, activities are listed with the more general term on the left of Figures 1-5 and the more specific term on the right of Figures 1-5. Where a District Plan rule manages a general activity, that general activity includes all the specific activities listed in the definition grouping unless otherwise specified in the rules. Each definition grouping activity must also comply with any building and built form rules that are relevant to the activity. The five definition groupings are detailed in Figures 1-5 below.

Definitions A-C
Term | Definition |
Access | |
Access Lot | |
Access Strip | means a negotiated agreement of easement between a landowner and a territorial authority to provide public access across private land. The access strip is surveyed and recorded on the title of land and ownership remains with the private landowner. An access strip can be used to link to an esplanade reserve or esplanade strip and includes access strips, as defined in the Resource Management Act 1991. |
Active Frontage | means building frontages which are designed to have a connection to the road allowing visual interaction between pedestrians and people within buildings. |
Active Transport Modes | means non-motorised forms of transport involving physical activity, including walking and cycling. |
Activities Ancillary to Farming or Forestry | means processing and packaging facilities for farming, and plantation forestry that is dependent primarily on the direct handling of raw produce, or that primarily supplies services to farming horticulture, or plantation forestry. Includes premises used for the manufacture of dairy products, abattoirs, timber processing, stock yards and sale yards, cool stores, pack houses and rural contractors depots. |
Adaptive Re-use | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. is a process that adapts buildings for new uses while retaining their historic heritage features. |
Additions and Alterations | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means any work to existing scheduled built heritage resources which involves the addition, change, removal or replacement of walls, fabric, windows or features resulting in changes to external appearance or an increase in gross floor area or building coverage. It excludes demolition or destruction of a building, structure or feature. |
Aerial | means a device being a rod, wire, dish or similar, anemometer or other meteorological equipment (but excluding a weather balloon) used for the purpose of measuring collecting and distributing meteorological information or the reception of transmission of radio, telephone or electromagnetic signals. |
Aerial Support Structure | means a single supporting structure such as a tower, pole or mast, including guy wires, being permanent or temporary, and possibly extendable, used for the support of an aerial or aerials. |
Air Noise Boundary | defines the area around Whangārei Airport within which the 24 hour daily aircraft noise exposure will be sufficiently high as to require appropriate land use controls or other measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effect on the environment, including effects on community health and amenity values, whilst recognising the need to operate an airport efficiently. The average night-weighted sound exposure over a 24 hour period at the air noise boundary shall not exceed 65Ldn. The air noise boundary shall be established in accordance with NZS6805:1992. |
Air Noise Margin | means the area of land that lies between the air noise boundary and the outer control boundary, as identified on the Planning Maps. |
Allotment* | This definition has the same meaning as in section 218 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Alteration | means reconstruction, relocation or structural changes to a building or major structure (excluding minor buildings). |
Amateur Radio Configuration | means an individual structure with antennas, aerials (including rods, wires and tubes) and/or associated support structures which are owned and used by licensed amateur radio operators for the reception or transmission of radio signals. |
Amateur Radio Operator | means persons who have been granted a license under the Radiocommunications Act 1989 to operate an amateur radio station. |
Amenity Values* | means those natural or physical qualities and characteristics of an area that contribute to people's appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes. |
Ancillary Activity | means an activity that supports and is subsidiary to a primary activity. |
Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) | the probability of exceedance of an event (generally a rainfall storm) within a period of one year (1% AEP is equivalent to 1 in 100 year storm). Guidance on calculating AEP can be found in the Whangarei District Council Engineering Standards. |
Archaeological Site | As defined in the Historic Places Act 1993. means any place in New Zealand that:
Archaeological Site | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. in terms of section 6 of the Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Act 2014, means any place in New Zealand (including buildings, structures or shipwrecks) that was associated with pre-1900 human activity, where there is evidence relating to the history of New Zealand that can be investigated using archaeological methods. Modifications to archaeological sites as defined above require consent from Heritage New Zealand. Notes:
Artificial Crop Protection Structures | means open structures that are used to protect crops from damage:
Artisan Industrial Activities | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means manufacture, repair, storage or maintenance associated with production of art, crafts or specialist foodstuffs. |
Bed* | means
Bicycle Parking Spaces | means parking spaces available for bicycle parking which enable a cyclist to manoeuvre and attach or secure a bicycle to each stand/space. |
Bird Scaring Device | means a gas gun, avian distress alarm, firearm or other such device used primarily for the purposes of bird scaring. |
Boundary | means:
Boundary Relocation | means a subdivision in the Rural Production Zone that relocates an existing boundary between adjacent allotments where separate computer freehold registers (records of title as per Land Transfer Act 2017) has been issued for those allotments without:
Buffer Area | means that part of the Quarrying Resource Area which is outside of the Mining Area. |
Building | means a temporary or permanent moveable or immovable physical construction that is:
Building Area | means an area of land on which a building could be accommodated. The building area does not include areas associated with minor buildings, parking, manoeuvring, landscaping, effluent treatment and disposal or private open space. |
Building Coverage | means the proportion of the net site area which is covered by buildings and includes any part or overhangs or eaves in excess of 0.80m in width. |
Building Frontage | |
Built Form | defined as (a) the general pattern of built form and development intensity and (b) the structural elements that define the District physically, such as natural features, transportation corridors, open space, public facilities, as well as activity centres and focal elements. Built form refers to the physical layout and design of the city. |
Built Heritage | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means physical or built forms of historic heritage predominantly comprising historic sites, structures, places, areas and associated settings/surroundings. |
Business Net Floor Area | means the net floor area occupied exclusively for a single commercial activity or a single community activity. |
Business Zones | means the City Centre, Town Centre, Mixed Use, Waterfront, Commercial, Shopping Centre, Local Centre, Neighbourhood Centre, Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial Zones. |
Canopy Dripline | means the outermost circumference of the tree’s canopy, from which water drips onto the ground. |
Care Centre | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means an activity used for any one or more of the following purposes:
Cleanfill Area | means an area used exclusively for the disposal of cleanfill material. |
Cleanfill Material | means virgin excavated natural material including clay, gravel, sand, soil and rock that are free of:
Coastal Hazard Area | means an area of coastal land that is or is likely to be, subject to the effects of natural coastal hazards such as erosion, landslip and flooding over a defined planning horizon. |
Coastal Hazard Area 1 | means an area of coastal land bounded by the coastline and Coastal Hazard Area 2 that is at relatively high to extreme risk from the effects of coastal hazards, over a planning horizon of 50 years. |
Coastal Hazard Area 2 | means an area of coastal land, landward and adjacent to Coastal Hazard Area 1, that is at relatively low to moderate risk from the effects of coastal hazards over a planning horizon of 100 years. |
Coastal Marine Area* | means the foreshore, seabed, and coastal water, and the air space above the water: |
Coastal Water* | means seawater within the outer limits of the territorial sea and includes:
Commercial Activity | means any activity trading in goods, equipment or services. It includes any ancillary activity to the commercial activity (for example administrative or head offices). |
Commercial Services | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means businesses that sell services rather than goods. For example: banks, real estate agents, travel agents, dry cleaners, health care facilities and hairdressers. Includes offices conducting activities within a building and focusing on business, government, professional, IT or financial services and includes the personal service elements of these activities offered to consumers or clients where visits by members of the public are accessory to the main use. |
Communal Open Space | means a quantity of outdoor area freely available to all residents on the site, exclusive of driveways, buildings, major structures and private outdoor space of individual residential units. |
Community Activities | means activities for recreational, sporting, cultural, safety, health, welfare, worship, educational or similar community and well-being purposes for members of the community. It includes provision for ancillary activities. |
Community Corrections Activity | This definition is included within the community activities and place of assembly definition groupings. means the use of land and building for non-custodial services for safety, welfare and community purposes, including probation, rehabilitation and reintegration services, assessments, reporting, workshops and programmes, administration, and a meeting point for community work groups. |
Community Sign | means a sign displaying information relating to the location of public facilities, place-names, destinations of historical, cultural, spiritual, sporting, or scenic significance. The advertising of public, sporting, recreation, community, social or cultural events. |
Conservation | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means all of the processes of understanding and caring for a built heritage item so as to safeguard its historic heritage values. |
Consolidated Sign Installation | means a sign which identifies or advertises at least three different businesses, activities, or events (or a combination thereof) within a single permanent structure. |
Contaminant* | includes any substance (including gases, odorous compounds, liquids, solids, and micro-organisms) or energy (excluding noise) or heat, that either by itself or in combination with the same, similar or other substances, energy, or heat– |
Contaminated Land* | means land that has a hazardous substance in or on it that:
Contaminated Site | means an area of land on which hazardous substances occur at concentrations above background levels, and where assessment indicates the substance poses, or is likely to pose an immediate or long term hazard to human health or the environment. |
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) | means a framework promoted by the Ministry of Justice Tāhū o te Ture for incorporating crime prevention within quality urban design by focusing on reducing the opportunity to commit crime, therefore lessening the motivation to offend. |
Crop Support Structure | means open pervious, structures with the primary purpose to provide support for horticultural crops. Crop support structures are stand-alone unattached to any building or major structure. |
Cultivation | means the alteration or disturbance of land (or any matter constituting the land including soil, clay, sand and rock), for the purpose of sowing, growing or harvesting of pasture or crops. |
Definitions D-G
Term | Definition |
Day | means the period 07:00 to 22:00 hours unless specified otherwise. |
Demolition or Destruction | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means any activity that destroys, damages or modifies in whole or in part the fabric of a historic heritage item and adversely affects the heritage values that contribute to its significance. The temporary dismantling of parts of a building or structure for the purposes of seismic upgrading does not constitute ‘demolition or destruction’. |
Discharge* | includes emit, deposit, and allow escape. |
Dominant Slope | means the average slope of land above the level of annual fullest flow of a river or lake adjacent to the width or length of the proposed building or major structure. The dominant slope is determined by averaging measurements taken at 2m intervals above the Annual Fullest Flow between projections of the outer dimensions of the proposed building or major structure (see illustration below). When determining building and major structure setbacks from water bodies the dominant slope rule applies only to any river bed that has a width of less than 3m or the bed of a lake under 8ha. For the purposes of determining dominant slope, annual fullest flow in relation to a river is the highest point at which the river can rise without overtopping the bank and in the case of a lake the point at which the waters cover at the highest level without exceeding its margin. Note: Refer image in Definitions Appendix 1. |
Drinking Water | means water intended to be used for human consumption; and includes water intended to be used for food preparation, utensil washing, and oral or other personal hygiene. |
Drive-Through-Facilities | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means any part of any fast food or restaurant activity where the product is sold directly to the customer while in their vehicle. |
Dry Stone Wall | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means a wall that has been constructed by hand, without mortar, from locally sourced volcanic rocks, as opposed to man-made construction materials. Located primarily within the areas of Maungatapere, Maunu, Glenbervie, Three Mile Bush and Maungakaramea, these walls were generally constructed between the 1850’s and World War II. Pre -1900 dry stone walls are also classed as ‘archaeological sites’. |
Earthworks | means the alteration or disturbance of land, including by moving, removing, placing, blading, cutting, contouring, filling or excavation of earth (or any matter constituting the land including soil, clay, sand and rock); but excludes gardening, cultivation, and disturbance of land for the installation of fence posts. |
Earthworks Associated with Subdivision | means earthworks undertaken in anticipation of, or as part of, the subdivision of land. includes earthworks for: |
Eaves | means that portion of the roof extending beyond the exterior wall of a building having a maximum overhang of 800mm. |
Educational Facility | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means land or buildings used for teaching or training by child care services, schools, or tertiary education services, including any ancillary activities. |
Effect* | includes:
Electric Vehicle Charging Station | means a structure with the primary purpose of recharging an electric vehicle. The station must be available for use by electric vehicles. |
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Parking Space | means a parking space of sufficient dimensions to accommodate infrastructure for an electric vehicle charging station. |
Electricity Infrastructure | means all transmission and distribution systems for electricity comprising of lines, cables, substations and switchyards and other paraphernalia provided by a network utility operator, but excluding generation facilities. Electricity infrastructure within the District is comprised of the National Grid and the Electricity Distribution Network. |
Emergency Services | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means the activities of authorities who are responsible for the safety and welfare of people and property in the community and include fire, ambulance and police services. |
Emergency Tree Works | means the pruning or maintenance or removal of any tree or vegetation immediately necessary to avoid any actual and imminent threat to the safety of persons or of damage to property, or to maintain or restore power or telecommunications infrastructure. |
End-of-trip Facilities | means facilities provided primarily for cyclists but also for walkers and runners at the end of their trip, and must include showers and changing areas. |
Entertainment Facilities | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means facility used for leisure or entertainment. includes:
Environment* | includes:
Environmental Protection Authority and EPA* | means the Environmental Protection Authority established by section 7 of the Environmental Protection Authority Act 2011. |
Equine Related Activities | means any activities within the Ruakaka Equine Zone that relate to the agistment (resting and grazing), training, housing and racing of horses. these activities include, but are not limited to:
Esplanade Reserve | means an area of land adjoining a water body and vested in the territorial or regional authority or the Crown, for the purposes of section 229 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (conservation, public access and recreational use). The land is surveyed and titled, and its boundaries do not alter with changes to the margins of the water body, and includes esplanade reserves, as defined in the Resource Management Act 1991. |
Esplanade Strip | means an area of land adjoining a water body that complies with the purposes of section 229 of the Resource Management Act 1991, and ownership of the strip remains with the landowner with a note of interest expressed on the title. An esplanade strip is defined as an area of specified width from the margins of the water body, and also includes esplanade strip, as defined in the Resource Management Act 1991. |
Existing Use Rights | is the term that is commonly applied to the rights protected under section 10 and section 10A of the Resource Management Act 1991. A summary of the rights protected by those sections of the Resource Management Act 1991 follows. This summary is designed to assist understanding of the term, but is not a substitute for the statutory provisions. existing use rights apply to the use of land or to activities that contravene a rule in a district plan or proposed district plan. The rights apply if:
existing use rights are extinguished if a use or activity is discontinued for a continuous period of more than 12 months after the rule in the plan became operative or the proposed plan was notified. However, an extension can be granted by the territorial authority on application up to two years after the use or activity is first discontinued. |
Exploration | means any activity undertaken for the purpose of identifying mineral deposits or occurrences, and evaluating the feasibility of mining particular deposits or occurrences of one or more minerals; and includes any drilling, dredging or excavations (whether surface or sub-surface) that are reasonably necessary to determine the nature and size of a mineral deposit or occurrence; and "to explore" has a corresponding meaning. |
Fabric | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means all the physical material associated with a built heritage item, including structures, interior and exterior surfaces, fixtures and fittings. |
Farm Quarry(ies) | This definition is included within the rural production activities definition grouping. means the extraction of minerals for uses ancillary to farming, horticulture, or plantation forestry, where:
Farming | This definition is included within the rural production activities definition grouping. means any agricultural or horticultural activity having as its primary purpose the commercial production of any livestock or vegetative matter for human or animal consumption. The production of livestock or vegetative matter utilises the in situ production capacity of the soil, water and air as a medium for production. includes:
Field Trials (Tests) | means, in relation to a genetically modified organism, the carrying on of outdoor trials, on the effects of the organism under conditions similar to those of the environment into which the organism is likely to be released, but from which the organism, or any heritable material arising from it, could be retrieved or destroyed at the end of the trials. |
Financial Contribution | means a contribution of:
Flood Susceptible Area | means an area which has been assessed as being likely to experience water covering the surface of the land in a 1 in 50 year stormwater flood event. A flood susceptible area does not imply any particular duration or level of flood water but is generally part of a contiguous area of flood susceptibility. It includes areas likely to experience surface water, either ponding or flowing, from heavy rainfall and overflows from rivers, streams, and drainage channels. In areas adjacent to the coast, the flood susceptible area relates to areas which are or are likely to be, subject to permanent or temporary inundation from sea water due to sea level rise, storm tides or tsunami over a planning horizon of 100 years. In the coastal areas there is also the potential for inundation to occur as a result of the combination of stormwater and sea water flood events. |
Food and Beverage Activity | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means activities where the primary business is selling food or beverages. includes:
Freestanding Sign | |
Fresh Water* | means all water except coastal water and geothermal water. |
Frontage | |
Funeral Home | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means an activity for holding funerals. includes:
Garage | means a building or part of a building that is principally used for the housing of vehicles and other miscellaneous residential items. Includes a carport/lean-to. Note:
Gardening | means the planting, growing and tending of vegetation and the mowing of grass, but excludes the layout of paths, walls, fences and garden structures that are embedded in the soil. Gardening can include the use of driven stakes or poles to support landscaping above the soil. |
Garden Centre | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means the sale of plants, trees or shrubs. Provided that the sale of the following is accessory to the sale of plants, trees or shrubs, it also includes the sale of:
General Commercial | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means any commercial activity which is not a commercial service, entertainment facility, food and beverage activity, funeral home, retail activity, service station or visitor accommodation. |
General Community | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means any community activity which is not a care centre, educational facility, place of assembly, emergency service, hospital or recreational facility. |
General Industry | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means any industrial activity which is not manufacturing and storage, repair and maintenance services, artisan industrial activities, marine industry, waste management facilities, or a landfill. It includes any research laboratories used for scientific, industrial or medical research, or any training facilities for an industrial activity. |
General Public Amenities | means facilities established by the Council, or their authorised representative, for the convenience and amenity of the public. includes:
Note: |
General Retail | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means any retail activity which is not motor vehicle sales, garden centres, trade suppliers, marine retail drive-through-facilities, grocery stores, or a hire premise. |
Genetically Modified Organism and GMO | means, unless expressly provided otherwise by regulations, any organism in which any of the genes or other genetic material:
Genetically Modified Veterinary Vaccine | means a veterinary vaccine that is a genetically modified organism as defined in this Plan. |
Goat Resistant Fencing | means a fence constructed so that the following requirements are met:
Green Infrastructure | means a natural or semi-natural area, feature or process, including engineered systems that mimic natural processes, which are planned or managed to:
Greywater | means liquid waste from domestic sources including sinks, basins, baths, showers and similar fixtures, but does not include sewage, or industrial and trade waste. |
Grocery Store | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means a self-service retail activity selling mainly food, beverages and small household goods. |
Gross Floor Area (GFA) | means the sum of the total area of all floors of a building or buildings (including any void area in each of those floors, such as service shafts, liftwells or stairwells), measured:
Ground Level | means:
Definitions H-M
Term | Definition |
Habitable Room | means any room used for the purposes of teaching or used as a living room, dining room, sitting room, bedroom, office or other room specified in the Plan to be a similarly occupied room. |
Hapū Environmental Management Plan (Iwi Management Plan) | means a plan prepared by an iwi, hapū, or whanau for management of resources within its rohe. |
Hazardous Substance* | includes, but is not limited to, any substance defined in section 2 of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 as a hazardous substance. The Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 defines hazardous substances as meaning, unless expressly provided otherwise by regulations or an EPA notice, any substance –
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act and HSNO | means the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. |
Heavy Vehicle | means any vehicle exceeding 3,500kg gross laden weight. |
Height | means the vertical distance between a specified reference point and the highest part of any feature, structure or building above that point. |
Height in Relation to Boundary | means the height of a structure, building, or feature, relative to its distance from either the boundary of a:
High Noise Area | means an area where the average background sound level (LA90) is greater than 45 dB LA90 between 06:30 and 21:30 hours; or greater than or equal to 35 dB LA90 between 21:30 and 06:30 hours. |
Highly Erodible Land | means Land Use Capability Classes 6e17, 6e19, 7e1-7e10, 8e1-8e3 and 8s 1 as mapped in the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory. |
Highly Versatile Soils | means Land Use Capability Classes 1c1, 2e1, 2w1, 2w2, 2s1, 3e1, 3e5, 3s1, 3s2, 3s4 as mapped in the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory. |
Hire Premise | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means an activity for the hiring of machinery and equipment. includes:
Historic Heritage* | means those natural and physical resources that contribute to an understanding and appreciation of New Zealand’s history and cultures, deriving from any of the following qualities:
Historic Heritage Resources | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means heritage items, features or components, (including archaeological features, buildings, objects or structures) that contribute to historic heritage as defined in the Resource Management Act 1991 and as adopted in the Proposed Regional Policy Statement. |
Historical and Cultural Heritage | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. as referred to in the Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 is similar in meaning to the Resource Management Act 1991 definition of historic heritage. |
Hospital | means any regionally significant infrastructure that provides for the medical, surgical or psychiatric care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons. |
Hospital Related Activities | means activities associated with the provision of medical, surgical or psychiatric care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons within a hospital, including:
Hours of Darkness | means that time between sunset and sunrise. |
Household | means a person or a group who reside together and directly interact on a daily basis to maintain an independent and self-contained housekeeping unit. |
Illuminated Sign | means any sign with a specifically designed means of illumination of the whole or any portion of its visible area. Includes internally illuminated and externally illuminated (floodlit) signs, reflective signs, digital signs, and signs that incorporate flashing, animation and variable message displays. |
Impervious Area | means an area with a surface which prevents or significantly retards the soakage of water into the ground. includes:
'Inappropriate' Subdivision, Use and Development | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. includes inappropriate intensity, scale, character and design and inappropriate location. |
Indigenous Vegetation | means plants which belong naturally in the ecological locality and includes Manuka and Kanuka. |
Indigenous Wetland | means a naturally occurring wetland of 50m2 or more (with a minimum width of 5m) which is permanently or seasonally wet (in that the water table is at or near the ground surface during high water table conditions), and which is dominated by indigenous wetland plant species including all or some of the following:
for the purposes of this Plan indigenous wetlands that have been created for conservation purposes, as a requirement of a resource consent, are included within the definition of “indigenous wetland”. the definition excludes wetlands created and subsequently maintained principally for, or in connection with:
the definition also excludes:
Industrial Activity | means an activity that manufactures, fabricates, processes, packages, distributes, repairs, stores, or disposes of materials (including raw, processed, or partly processed materials) or good. It includes any ancillary activity to the industrial activity. |
Industrial and Trade Waste | |
Infrastructure* | means:
Integrity | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. is a term applied to heritage resources that retain a high proportion of their original characteristics or fabric. |
Intensive Livestock Farming | This definition is included within the rural production activities definition grouping. means any intensive farming of animals and/or includes fungi (mushrooms), dependent on a high input of food or fertiliser from beyond the site and which is predominantly carried out in buildings or outdoor enclosures where the stocking density precludes the maintenance of pasture or ground cover and includes pig farming and cattle feedlots. Poultry farming is excluded if it is considered free range in accordance with the relevant minimum standards outlined in the MAF Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare 2005. |
Intermittently Flowing River | means a river that is dry at certain times and has one or more of the following characteristics:
Iwi Authority* | means the authority which represents an iwi, and which is recognised by that iwi as having authority to do so. |
Kaitiaki | means, for the purpose of this Plan, those nominated by tangata whenua to exercise kaitiakitanga on their behalf. |
Kaitiakitanga* | means the exercise of guardianship by the tangata whenua of an area in accordance with tikanga Māori in relation to a natural and physical resources, and includes the ethic of stewardship. |
Kauri Dieback Disease Containment Area | means an area identified in a kauri dieback management plan within which soil organic material and surface water from works within a kauri hygiene area are contained and confined. |
Kauri Hygiene Area | means the area within three times the maximum radius of the canopy dripline of a kauri tree. |
LA90 | has the same meaning as ‘Background sound level’ in New Zealand Standard 6801:2008 Acoustics-Measurement of Environmental Sound. |
LAE (Sound Exposure Level) | means the sound level of one second duration which has the same amount of energy as the actual noise event measured. This is usually used to measure the sound energy of a particular event, such as a train pass-by or an aircraft flyover. |
LAeq | has the same meaning as ‘time-average A-weighted sound pressure level’ in New Zealand Standard 6801:2008 Acoustics- Measurement of Environmental Sound. |
LAF(max) | has the same meaning as the ‘maximum A-frequency weighted, F-time weighted sound pressure level’ in New Zealand Standard 6801:2008 Acoustics- Measurement of Environmental Sound. |
Ldn | has the same meaning as the ‘day night level, or day average sound level’ in New Zealand Standard 6801:2008 Acoustics- Measurement of Environmental Sound. |
Lpeak | has the same meaning as ‘Peak sound pressure level’ in New Zealand Standard 6801:2008 Acoustics- Measurement of Environmental Sound. |
Lake* | means a body of fresh water which is entirely or nearly surrounded by land. |
Land* |
Land Disturbance | means alteration or disturbance of land, (or any matter constituting the land including, soil, clay, sand and rock), that does not permanently alter the profile, contour or height of the land. |
Land Preparation | means the disturbance of the soil by machinery in preparation for planting or replanting crops or pasture grasses or trees, and includes blading, contour ploughing and ripping. |
Landfill | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means an area used for, or previously used for, the disposal of solid waste. It excludes cleanfill areas. |
Landscaping | means land which is planted in lawns, trees, shrubs or gardens. |
Live/Work | means a residential and work format entailing the establishment of residential units above work units such as office, retailing, manufacturing and services. |
Living Accommodation | includes visitor accommodation for up to six people. |
Living Areas | means a living room, lounge, family room or dining room. |
Low Noise Area | means an area where the average background sound level (LA90) is less than or equal to 45 dB LA90 between 06:30 and 21:30 hours; or less than or equal to 35 dB LA90 between 21:30 and 06:30 hours. |
Maintenance | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means regular and ongoing protective care of a built heritage item to prevent deterioration and to retain its historic heritage value. Maintenance differs in meaning from ‘repairs’. |
Major Roading Alteration to an Existing Public Road | includes: excludes:
Major Structure | means any:
Mana Whenua* | means customary authority exercised by an iwi or hapū in an identified area. |
Manufacturing | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means activities involving:
Marine Industry | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means manufacture, repair, storage or maintenance, including their facilities associated with production or processing of boats, accessory goods or seafood, marine scientific and research. |
Marine Retail | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means the sale or hire of boats, wholesale and retail sale of fish, and accessory goods and services. |
Marsden Technology Park Industrial Activity | means any of the following activities within the Marsden Technology Park Precinct:
Mineral | means a naturally occurring inorganic substance beneath or at the surface of the earth, whether or not under water; and includes all metallic minerals, non-metallic minerals, fuel minerals, precious stones, industrial rocks and building stones, and a prescribed substance within the meaning of the Atomic Energy Act 1945. |
Mineral Extraction | means the excavation of minerals from the ground, including:
Mining Area | means that part of the Quarrying Resource Area which is owned by or under the control of the quarry operator at the time the Quarrying Resource Area is established or extended. It is where the full range of mineral extraction activities may occur. |
Mining Hazard Area | means an area which is subject to possible subsidence due to past coal mining activities undertaken on the land. |
Mining Hazard Area 1 | indicates the area where there is a possibility of crown-holing and major subsidence due to there being less than 10.t cover (t being seam thickness). |
Mining Hazard Area 2 | indicates:
Mining Hazard Area 3 | indicates areas where there is greater than 100m of cover. Although this is a low risk zone, it is possible for buildings to be affected by mining. |
Minor Building | means:
Minor Residential Unit | means a self-contained residential unit that is ancillary to the principal residential unit, and is held in common ownership with the principal residential unit on the same site. |
Minor Upgrading | means an increase in the carrying capacity, efficiency or security of any network utility operation utilising the existing support structures or structures with the effects of a similar scale, character, bulk and form. It includes, in regard to electricity, telecommunication and radio-communication services:
minor upgrading shall not include:
Mixed-Use | means development that integrates compatible land uses such as commercial, residential and retail. |
Motor Vehicle Sales | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means the sale or hire of motor vehicles and caravans. |
Multi Title Site | means a site where an activity is situated on two or more separate certificates of title and is indicated on the planning maps as a “Multi Title Site”. |
Multi Unit Development | means development of three or more residential units on a site within the General Residential Zone and the Medium Density Residential Zone. |
Definitions N-R
Term | Definition |
National Grid | means part of the National Grid of transmission lines and cables (aerial, underground and undersea, including the high-voltage direct current link), stations and sub-stations and other works used to connect grid injection points and grid exit points to convey electricity throughout the North and South Islands of New Zealand. National Grid means the assets used or owned by Transpower NZ Limited. |
National Grid Corridor | means an area of 12m from the outer edge of a support structure and 12m from the centreline of the National Grid shown on the planning maps while they are owned or operated by Transpower NZ Limited. |
Natural and Physical Resources* | includes land, water, air, soil, minerals and energy, all forms of plants and animals (whether native to New Zealand or introduced), and all structures. |
Natural Hazard* | means any atmospheric or earth or water-related occurrence (including earthquake, tsunami, erosion, volcanic and geothermal activity, landslip, subsidence, sedimentation, wind, drought, fire or flooding) the action of which adversely affects, or may adversely affect, human life, property or other aspects of the environment. |
Net Environmental Benefit | means an activity where it is demonstrated that the benefits of environmental protection and on-going management are greater than the adverse effects created by subdivision and associated land development. The benefits achieved through environmental protection and on-going management do not include:
Net Floor Area | means the sum of any gross floor area; and
Net Site Area | means the total area of the site, but excludes: |
Network System | means any building or major structure owned or operated by a network utility operator whose purpose is to provide reticulation from a network system to and from individual properties and structures, including all structures and equipments owned or used by a network utility operator. |
Network Utility Operator* | means a person who:
and the words network utility operation have a corresponding meaning. |
Night | means a period 22:00 to 07:00 hours unless specified otherwise. |
Noise* | includes vibration. |
Noise Rating Level* | means a derived noise level used for comparison with a noise limit. |
Noise Sensitive Activities | means those activities that involve habitation of people within which concentration (of thoughts) is required and includes residential activities, marae, hospitals and education facilities, excluding Airport staff and aviation training facilities or aero clubs (other than airport staff training facilities). |
Notional Boundary | means a line 20m from any side of a residential unit or other building used for a noise sensitive activity, or the legal boundary where this is closer to such a building. |
Official Sign | means all signs required or provided for under any statue or regulation, or are otherwise related to aspects of public safety. |
Open Space and Recreation Zones | means the Open Space, Natural Open Space and Sport and Active Recreation Zones. |
Outdoor Living Court | means an area of outdoor open space which may be either permeable or impervious or a combination of both and includes balconies, recessed balconies, decks and roof terraces, available for the exclusive use of the occupants of the residential unit to which the space is allocated, that has direct access to a main living area and that does not contain structures that would impede its use for outdoor living purposes. |
Outdoor Living Space | means an area of open space for the use of the occupants of the residential unit or units to which the space is allocated. |
Outer Control Boundary | defines an area outside the air noise boundary within which there shall be no further incompatible land uses. The predicted 3 month average night-weighted sound exposure at or outside, the outer control boundary shall not exceed 55 dB Ldn. |
Overburden | means clay, soil, vegetation and rock associated with mineral extraction activities. |
Parent Lot | means land held in one certificate of title or land held by the same owner in adjoining certificates of title, separated by no more than a (formed or unformed) legal road. |
Pedestrian Arcade | means an area with a minimum dimension of 5m and minimum area of 30m2 between a building and a public place that provides visual and pedestrian access onto the site and can be used for activities such as outdoor dining or informal leisure or recreation space. |
Permanent All Weather Surface | means a pavement which is dust free and is trafficable under all weather conditions, with a sealed surface of concrete, asphalt, bitumen or similar. |
Place of Assembly | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means facilities for the wellbeing of the community, generally on a not for profit basis. includes:
excludes: |
Plantation Forestry | This definition is included within the rural production activities definition grouping. means the ongoing management of trees or stands of trees, for the production of timber or timber related products, and includes planting, pruning, felling, and removal of trees from the site but does not involve the processing of timber. |
Port Activities | means the use of land and/or building within the Port Zone for port related activities, including but not limited to:
PPV (Peak Particle Velocity) | measure of the vibration amplitude, zero to maximum. This parameter can be used for assessing building structural damage and also has application to human annoyance. |
Principal Residential Unit | This definition is included within the residential activities definition grouping. means a residential unit that is not ancillary to any other residential unit. |
Public Tree | This definition only applies to the Notable Trees Chapter of the District Plan. means, any tree or trees located on a road reserve, park or reserve administered by Whangarei District Council (excluding any tree or trees within any designated State Highway) greater than 6m in height or with a girth (measured 1.4m above the ground) greater than 600mm except:
Public Place | means a place:
Radio-Communication | means any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds or intelligence of any nature by electromagnetic waves of frequencies between 9 kilohertz and 300 gigahertz, propagated in space without artificial guidance. |
Raft* | means any moored floating platform which is not self-propelled; and includes platforms that provide buoyancy support for the surfaces on which fish or marine vegetation are cultivated or for any cage or other device used to contain or restrain fish or marine vegetation; but does not include booms situation on lakes subject to artificial control which have been installed to ensure the safe operation of electricity generating facilities. |
Rear Site | means a site with a frontage of less that 6m to a legal road, except that a site served by a service lane is not a rear site. |
Recognised Acoustician | means a recognised member of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand or equivalent as determined at Whangarei District Council’s discretion. |
Recreational Facilities | This definition is included within the community activities definition grouping. means a facility where the primary purpose is to provide for sport and recreation activities. includes:
Refinery Activities | means the use of land, buildings and major structures within the Marsden Point Energy Precinct for activities associated with the production, import, refining, and/or distribution of energy products, including:
Regionally Significant Infrastructure | means the infrastructure listed in Appendix 3 of the Regionally Policy Statement for Northland 2016. |
Release | means to allow the organism to move within New Zealand free of any restrictions other than those imposed in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 1993 or the Conservation Act 1987. a release may be without conditions (s34, HSNO Act) or subject to conditions set out s38A of the HSNO Act. |
Repair and Maintenance Services | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means servicing, testing or repairing vessels, vehicles or machinery. includes:
Repair/s | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means making good decayed or damaged material using the same or similar materials, colour, texture, form and design. |
Requiring Authority* | means:
Residential Activity | means the use of land and building(s) for people’s living accommodation. |
Residential Unit | This definition is included within the residential activities definition grouping. means a building(s) or part of a building that is used for a residential activity exclusively by one household, and must include sleeping, cooking, bathing and toilet facilities. |
Residential Zones | means the Large Lot Residential, Low Density Residential, General Residential and Medium Density Residential Zones. |
Residual Risk | This definition only applies to the Hazardous Substances Chapter of the District Plan means any risk of an adverse effect after other industry controls, legislation and regulations, including the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, the Land Transport Act 1998, the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015) and regional planning instruments, have been complied with. |
Resource Area | means areas of the District which have characteristics, values and qualities that require special management to protect these features and control activities that would adversely affect them. These areas are listed in Part 4 of the District Plan. |
Retail Activity | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means activities selling, exposing, displaying or offering: of goods, merchandise or equipment for sale or direct hire to the public. |
Reticulated | means, in respect of infrastructure, connection to a system of pipes and ancillary development owned and operated by a network utility operator for the purposes of gas supply, telecommunications, power supply, water supply or stormwater or wastewater drainage. |
Reticulated Stormwater Area | means any site within 200m of an existing public primary reticulated stormwater system that can accept gravity flow from the site. |
Reticulated Wastewater Area | means any site:
Reticulated Water Supply Area | means any site:
Retirement Village | This definition is included within the residential activities definition grouping. means a managed comprehensive residential complex or facilities used to provide residential accommodation for people who are retired and any spouses or partners of such people. It may also include any of the following for residents within the complex: recreation, leisure, supported residential care, welfare and medical facilities (inclusive of hospital care) and other non-residential activities. |
Reverse Sensitivity | means the potential for the operation of an existing lawfully established activity to be constrained or curtailed by the more recent establishment of other activities which are sensitive to the pre-existing activity. |
Right of Way | means an area of land over which there is registered a legal document giving rights to pass over that land to the owners and occupiers of other land and shall have the same meaning, as defined in Schedule 4 of the Land Transfer Regulations 2002. |
River* | means a continually or intermittently, flowing body of fresh water; and includes a stream and modified watercourse; but does not include any artificial watercourse (including an irrigation canal, water supply race, canal for the supply of water for electricity power generation and farm drainage canal). |
RMS (Root Mean Square) Velocity | means the RMS averaged velocity of vibration, typically given in mm/s. RMS velocities are typically measured using single axis vibration transducers such as accelerometers. |
Road* | has the same meaning as in section 315 of the Local Government Act 1974; and includes a motorway as defined in section 2(1) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989. section 315 of the Local Government Act 1974 road definition: road means the whole of any land which is within a district, and which:
but, except as provided in the Public Works Act 1981 or in any regulations under that Act, does not include a motorway within the meaning of that Act or the Government Roading Powers Act 1989 section 2(1) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989 motorway definition motorway:
Road Sign | |
Root Zone | means the area of ground around a tree truck created by taking a radius equal to the greatest radial spread of the canopy/foliage of the tree, measured from the truck and rotating that radius in a full circle around the trunk. Note: Refer image in Definitions Appendix 1. |
Rural Area | means the area of the District comprising the Rural Zones. |
Rural Centre Service Activity | means the use of land and buildings within the Settlement Zone - Centre Zone for commercial and service activities including the sale or hire of goods, equipment or services, automotive service and repair, post boxes, service stations, shops, markets and takeaways. |
Rural Production Activity | means the use of land and buildings for farming, intensive livestock farming, farm quarrying and plantation forestry. |
Rural Zones | means the Rural Production Zone, Strategic Rural Industries Zone, Settlement Zone, Rural Lifestyle and Future Urban Zone. |
Definitions S-Z
Term | Definition |
Safe Potable Water Supply | means water that is fit for human consumption and may be supplied by rainwater collection, artesian bore, reticulated network or a natural water source. |
Scheduled Built Heritage | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means built heritage resources included in the Schedule of Built Heritage Items. Refer to ‘HH-BH-SCHED1 – Group A Scheduled Built Heritage items’ and ‘HH-BH-SCHED2 – Group B Scheduled Built Heritage items’ in the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. |
Scheduled Historic Area | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means an area of land containing an inter-related group of historic heritage resources included in the Schedule of Historic Areas. Refer to HH-BH-SCHED3 – Scheduled Historic Areas in the Historic Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. |
Sea-Farers Mission and Managers Accommodation | means Christian welfare centre located within the Port Zone providing communal facilities for transitional merchant seafarers. Includes a single residential unit to be used solely for the purpose of providing accommodation for the Manager/Pastor of the Sea Farers Mission and immediately family. Does not include motels or hotels, backpackers, bed and breakfast, farmstay or homestay accommodation, or any other types of accommodation. |
Segregation Strip | means a strip of land vested (or upon subdivision to be vested) in the roading authority to limit or preclude legal access directly onto an adjoining street or road. |
Seismic Upgrading | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means structural works required to meet relevant earthquake-prone buildings legislation and related Council Policy. |
Sense of Place | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. generally means the attachments of people and communities to their land or special places, developed through experience and knowledge of an area. Sense of place may be experienced at an individual or personal level or by a group of people. It comprises two essential elements - the ‘community’ or those people who feel attachment or a sense of belonging to a particular place, and the physical, cultural and intangible elements of a place that contribute to its special character, familiarity, or sense of belonging. |
Sensitive Activities | means, child care and education facilities, residential activity and hospitals. |
Sensitive Environments and Areas | means:
Service Lane | shall have the same meaning as defined in Section 315 of the Local Government Act 1974 and includes any shared private access for non-residential developments that are not managed under TRA Appendix 2D of the Transport Chapter. |
Service Station | means any site where the dominant activity is the retail of motor vehicle fuels (including petrol, LPG, CNG and diesel), and may include any one or more of the following: the sale of kerosene, alcohol based fuels, lubricating oil, tyres, batteries, motor vehicle spare parts and other accessories; retail premises; convenience food premises; mechanical repair and servicing of motor vehicles (including motor cycles, caravans, boat motors, trailers) and domestic gardening equipment; warrant of fitness testing; trailer hire; and car wash facilities. |
Setback | |
Sewage | means human excrement and urine. |
Shared Access | means any access that is used by two or more lots, principal residential units or commercial activities or industrial activities and includes any access lot. |
Showroom | means an area where merchandise can be displayed, but does not any include areas for customer self-service. |
Sign | means any device, character, graphic or electronic display, whether temporary or permanent; which
Sign Area | means the entire area with a continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of lettering, graphics or symbols, together with any material or colour forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate such a sign from the background against which it is placed. Sign area in relation to a multiple-sided sign means the total signage area that may be viewed from every viewable perspective (including front and back, and inflatable or three dimensional signs). Structural supports and building surfaces are not included in the calculation of sign area, except where they form an integral part of the sign. |
Site | means:
Site Surrounds | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage and Signs Chapters of the District Plan. means all the curtilage (including trees, gardens, buildings and structures associated with a scheduled built heritage item that contributes to its significance, the removal of which would detract from the item’s inherent heritage significance and value. Unless otherwise specified in the Schedule of Built Heritage, ‘site surrounds’ includes all land within the title boundary. |
Standalone Car Park Facility | means either indoor or outdoor on-site car parking which is not directly associated with any other activity within the site. |
Statement of Significance | This definition only applies to the Historical Heritage Chapter of the District Plan. means a report from a recognised heritage expert, describing the heritage values of an historic heritage item, based on District Plan scheduling criteria. |
Stone Wall | means a wall that has been constructed by hand, from locally sourced rocks, as opposed to man-made construction materials. |
Storage | This definition is included within the industrial activities grouping. means activities involving:
Stormwater | means run-off that has been intercepted, channeled, diverted, intensified or accelerated by human modification of a land surface, or run-off from the surface of any structure, as a result of precipitation and includes any contaminants contained within. |
Strategic Rural Industries | means industrial activities that require a rural location because of factors such as access to resources or the large area of land required for the operation of the activity. Strategic rural industries are significant at a regional or national scale rather than solely at a district level due to the area they supply; the investment in infrastructure required for the establishment of the activity or their contribution of the economy. Within the District Plan the term is applied specifically to the Strategic Rural Industries Zone and does not include strategic industries located within urban areas with specialized business or industrial functions such as Port Marsden or the Marsden Point Energy Precinct. |
Stream | refer to definition of river. |
Structure* | means any building, equipment, device or other facility, made by people and which is fixed to land; and includes any raft. |
Subdivision | means:
Subsidiary | means incidental and occurring within the same building and being held in common ownership with the primary activity. |
Supported Residential Care | This definition is included within the residential activities definition grouping. means a residential activity of more than one household providing accommodation and fulltime care, support or supervision for aged or disabled people, or people receiving health support (including mental health, addiction, illness or intellectual disabilities) or people receiving reintegration or rehabilitation. excludes:
Surface Water | means all water, flowing or not, above the ground. It includes water in continually or intermittently flowing rivers, artificial watercourses, lakes and indigenous wetlands and water impounded by structures such as dams or weirs, but does not include water while in pipes, tanks, cisterns, nor water within the coastal marine area. |
Sustainable Management* | means managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural well-being and for their health and safety while:
Tangata Whenua* | means, in relation to a particular area, the iwi or hapū that holds mana whenua over that area. |
Taonga | means treasure, or all that is held precious. |
Telecommunication | This definition has the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the Telecommunications Act 1987. means the conveyance from one device to another of any sign, signal, impulse, writing, image, sound, instruction, information, or intelligence of any nature, whether for the information of any person using the device or not. |
Temporary Activity | means any commercial activity undertaken in a temporary or moveable structure within a road or an activity which is undertaken for a short term, not exceeding 3 days duration, either as an isolated event or as a series of events where the cumulative period of operation is less than 12 days in a calendar year, and includes any gala, sports event, festival, hui or other community activity or any temporary military training activity not exceeding 60 days duration. |
Temporary Military Training Activity | means a temporary activity undertaken for the training of any component of the New Zealand Defence Force (including with allied forces) for any defence purpose. Defence purposes are those purposes for which a defence force may be raised and maintained under s5 of the Defence Act 1990 which are:
Temporary Sign | means any sign, whether portable or fixed which is placed to advertise or announce a specific event, or which pertains to a particular event or occurrence, or which is not designed or intended to be placed permanently. Examples of temporary signs include signs associated with; real-estate, election(s), construction or redevelopment. Note:
Territorial Authority | This definition has the same meaning as in section 5 of the Local Government Act 2002. means a city council or a district council named in Part 2 of Schedule 2. |
Through-site-link | means a defined pedestrian access which is continuous and clearly identifiable and is designed specifically to traverse a site to connect roads or other public places or other through-site-links. A through-site-link provides a shorter and more convenient public pedestrian route than the existing alternative. |
Tikanga Māori* | means Māori customary values and practices. |
Trade Retail | means motor vehicle sales, garden centres, marine retail, trade suppliers and hire premises. |
Trade Suppliers | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means an activity supplying one or more of the categories below, engaged in sales to businesses and institutional customers but may also include sales to the general public:
Traffic Movement | |
Transport Infrastructure | means facilities, assets and structures that are necessary for the functioning of the transport network and that cater for the needs of all transport users (including active transport modes and public transport) including:
Urban Area | means the area of the District comprising the Urban Zones. |
Urban Environment Allotment* | means an allotment within the meaning of section 218:
Urban Zones | means the Residential Zones and Business Zones and includes the Airport, Hospital, Port and Ruakaka Equine Zones. |
Vegetation Clearance | means any activity that results in the cutting, disturbance, removal or destruction of indigenous vegetation. |
Vegetation Cover | means an area that is principally covered in indigenous vegetation. |
Vehicle Crossing | |
Verandah | means a weatherproof covering, substantially covering a footpath used by the public. |
Versatile Soils | means those soils identified as Class I, II or III on the New Zealand Land Inventory Worksheets. |
Veterinary Vaccine | means a biological compound controlled by the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act that is used to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease and has been tested and approved as safe to use by a process similar to that conducted for approval and use of medical vaccines. |
Viable Genetically Modified Veterinary Vaccine | means a genetically modified veterinary vaccine that could survive or replicate in the environment or be transmitted from the inoculated recipient. |
Visitor Accommodation | This definition is included within the commercial activities definition grouping. means land and/or buildings used for accommodating visitors, subject to a tariff being paid, and includes any ancillary activities. |
Visual Permeability | means the amount of transparency through an object such as a screen, fence or wall. |
Wāhi Tapu | means a place which is sacred or spiritually meaningful to tangata whenua. |
Waste Management Facility | This definition is included within the industrial activities definition grouping. means an activity receiving waste for transfer, treatment, disposal, or temporary storage. includes:
excludes: |
Wastewater | means any combination of two or more of the following wastes: sewage, greywater, or industrial and trade waste. |
Water* |
Water Body* | means fresh water or geothermal water in a river, lake, stream, pond, wetland, or aquifer, or any part thereof, that is not located within the Coastal Marine Area. |
Wetland* | includes permanently or intermittently wet areas, shallow water, and land water margins that support a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that are adapted to wet conditions. |
Wind Turbine | means a wind turbine used to extract kinetic energy from the wind and having a swept area of greater than 200m2. |
Definitions Appendix 1 - Images
Dominant Slope

Root Zone