The Rural Production Zone (RPROZ) encompasses a large area of the Whangarei District. The purpose of the Rural Production Zone is to sustainably manage the natural and physical resources of the rural area in order to:
Protect, sustain and promote rural production activities as well as those activities that support rural communities.
Protect areas of significant ecological and biodiversity values (such as indigenous bush and wetlands).
Enable the rehabilitation of ecological and biodiversity values.
Maintain rural amenity and character.
The zone comprises a varied array of topography, landforms, landscapes, soil types, biodiversity and catchments. It is important that the ecological and landscape values of the Rural Production Zone are recognised and where appropriate are protected and enhanced. Ecological and landscape values contribute significantly to the rural character and distinctiveness of the Whangarei District. Parts of the Rural Production Zone are located within the coastal environment. The values of the coastal environment are managed by the District Plan’s Coastal Environment provisions as well as the provisions in this section.
The interplay of historical land use and values has resulted in the environmental character that exists in the Rural Production Zone today. This character is made up of the varied natural landforms and natural features, openness, as well as an existing subdivision and development pattern. It is mostly characterised by a working/living environment, with the noises, odours and visual effects associated with a wide range of farming, horticultural, forestry and mineral extraction activities. There is an expectation that rural production activities will be able to continue to operate without onerous or restrictive intervention in the Rural Production Zone.
Rural production activities are important contributors to the Whangarei and Northland economy. The Rural Production Zone includes most of the productive rural land area of the District. It is important that these areas are not compromised for rural production. It is expected that a diverse range of rural production activities will continue to operate and new activities will establish in the Rural Production Zone. Changing demands for existing produce and new markets establishing mean that the provisions for the Rural Production Zone need to be flexible to accommodate current and future production needs.
The Rural Production Zone provides for commercial activities and industrial activities that have a functional need to service rural production activities and/or rural communities or provide location based recreation or tourist activity.
Conflicting land use and reverse sensitivity effects must be carefully managed where the Rural Production Zone interfaces with sensitive activities including habitable buildings in other rural areas and Residential Zones, and with Business Zones. Where the Rural Production Zone is traversed by existing major infrastructure services, land use conflicts must be managed. Quarrying Resource Areas apply over the Rural Production Zone and Strategic Rural Industries Zones are surrounded by the Rural Production Zone. Providing for mineral extraction activities and strategic rural industries to occur and avoidance of conflicting land use activities is important for their on-going operation.
A history of ad hoc rural living subdivision and development has resulted in a scattered and ad hoc pattern of development across the rural area. Where the rural area abuts Whangarei City, Rural Production Zone will apply. Areas for future urban growth, land use and subdivision development is spatially managed by the Future Urban Zone to maintain options for the continued growth of the city. Where rural living clusters have reached significant density and lifestyle character they have been identified as the Rural Lifestyle Zone to manage the actual and potential reverse sensitivity effects associated with rural living activities occurring in close proximity to rural production activities.
The Rural Production Zone will not support an increased level of clustered rural living development. Consistent with a consolidated pattern of development residential, rural residential and rural living activities are directed to identified rural settlements, the Future Urban Zone or the Rural Lifestyle Zone to protect the productivity, biodiversity and rural character of the Rural Production Zone.
Urban and rural residential types of development can erode the viability of rural productivity and can create reverse sensitivity impacts on productive uses through the visual effect of large scale buildings and incidental structures, increased traffic generation, and loss of amenity including privacy, rural outlook, spaciousness, and quietness, particularly when a new incompatible activity is located near an existing activity, with resulting conflicts.
RPROZ-O1Rural Land Resources
Identify and protect productive rural land resources for a diverse range of rural production activities.
RPROZ-O2Land Use Activities
Enable a wide range of rural production activities and provide for commercial activities and industrial activities that support rural production activities and/or rural communities including recreation and tourist based activities to establish and operate in the Rural Production Zone to contribute to the District’s economy.
RPROZ-O3Rural Character and Amenity
Recognise, maintain and where appropriate protect the rural character and amenity of the Rural Production Zone.
RPROZ-O4Adverse Effects
Avoid adverse effects on productive land resources from residential, rural residential and rural living subdivision and development in the Rural Production Zone.
Minimise the fragmentation of rural land and promote allotment sizes that facilitate rural production activities other than to protect significant ecological and biodiversity values.
RPROZ-O6Coastal Environment
Provide for rural production activities that are compatible with the Coastal Environment.
RPROZ-O7Protection and Enhancement
Encourage protection and enhancement of significant ecology, biodiversity, landscapes and historic heritage.
RPROZ-P1Rural Character and Amenity
To protect the distinctive rural character and amenity of the Rural Production Zone including but not limited to:
A dominance of natural features including landforms, watercourses and vegetation.
A predominately working rural production environment, including:
The presence of large numbers of farmed animals and extensive areas of plant, vine or fruit crops and areas of forestry.
Ancillary activities and structures (including crop support structures and artificial crop protection structures) across the landscape.
Seasonal activities.
A low intensity of development, involving a combination of domestic and rural production buildings and major structures.
Varying levels of noise associated with seasonal and intermittent rural production activities.
Relatively open space and low density of development.
Odours, noise and dust typical of rural activities.
Generally low levels of vehicle traffic with seasonal fluctuations.
RPROZ-P2Land Use Activities
To protect rural productive land, rural character and amenity and to encourage consolidation of activities within Whangarei City by:
Only providing for commercial activities and industrial activities in the Rural Production Zone where it is demonstrated that the activity:
Has a direct connection with the rural resource and supports rural production activities and/or rural communities, including recreation and tourist based activities.
Requires a rural location for its operational function.
Will minimise the potential for reverse sensitivity effects between incompatible land use activities.
Will contain and manage adverse effects on-site.
Will contribute positively to the economy of the District.
Can meet and fund local infrastructure requirements.
Not directly regulating outdoor agricultural and horticultural activities, excluding intensive livestock farming.
Permitting farming and activities ancillary to farming or forestry.
Requiring larger allotments sizes to retain productive rural options.
RPROZ-P3Reverse Sensitivity
Avoiding reverse sensitivity effects by preventing sensitive activities within close proximity to Quarrying Resource Areas, Strategic Rural Industries, intensive livestock farming or other rural production activities that are lawfully established.
RPROZ-P4Unsealed Roads
To reduce the potential of exposure to noise, dust and health risks by requiring a minimum separation for residential units from unsealed roads.
RPROZ-P5Maintain Amenity and Character
To maintain rural amenity, and character by ensuring that all new buildings and major structures and rural land uses:
Are of a scale and character appropriate to the Rural Production Zone.
Avoid ribbon development.
RPROZ-P6Setback Buffers
To avoid inappropriate subdivision and development in areas required for future urban growth by identifying ‘setback buffers’ between the Rural Production Zone and the Residential Zones, Future Urban Zone and Rural Lifestyle Zones and the Settlement Zone Residential Sub-Zone.
RPROZ-P7Subdivision Greater than 20ha
To enable the subdivision of rural land into allotments of 20ha or more, where the following has been provided for:
Efficient and effective on-site servicing.
Avoidance of erosion, subsidence, slippage, flooding or inundation from any source.
RPROZ-P8Subdivision Less than 20ha
To avoid the subdivision of land into allotments less than 20ha unless it is demonstrated that all of the following are achieved:
It does not create a rural residential or rural lifestyle allotment, other than where a Net Environmental Benefit is achieved.
The subdivision of rural land and associated buildings does not inhibit or restrict the productive potential or reasonably anticipated productive potential of rural production activities.
The size, shape and arrangement of allotments:
Is a practical size for rural production activities, other than where a Net Environmental Benefit is achieved.
Does not restrict the range of options for the use of production land.
The viability of the existing rural production activity is not compromised, and the existing rural production activity can continue to operate efficiently at the subdivided scale.
The subdivision and subsequent development will not result in adverse effects on the operation and viability of any adjoining rural production activity or strategic rural industry.
The subdivision and subsequent development will not require connection to the District’s reticulated sewer or an extension or upgrading of any service or road, except where it is in the economic interest of the District and will not compromise the efficient functioning of the District’s infrastructure network.
RPROZ-P9Net Environmental Benefit
To protect and enhance biodiversity, landscapes, historic heritage, and significant ecology whilst protecting productive rural land resources, rural character and amenity by providing for subdivision where all of the following are achieved:
A Net Environmental Benefit is created by the legal protection in perpetuity and on-going management (maintenance and enhancement of the values and attributes, characteristics and qualities) for one or more of the following:
Appropriate area(s) of indigenous vegetation, or habitat of indigenous fauna, assessed as significant in accordance with policy 4.4.1 and appendix 5 of the Northland Regional Policy Statement 2016; or
Appropriate area(s) of Outstanding Natural Landscapes, Outstanding Natural Features, Outstanding Natural Character, High Natural Character; or
Heritage Buildings or Sites of Significance to Māori; or
Appropriate area(s) of Highly Erodible Land, or land within a riparian margin of a stream, river, estuary or the coast located within Acutely or Chronically threatened land environment associated with Land Environments of New Zealand Level 4, will be retired and rehabilitated.
The effects of the number, size and location of allotments, building platforms and access, are managed by:
Adverse effects on the areas(s) protected under clause (1) of this policy.
Adverse cumulative effects.
Development on highly versatile soils.
An urban form, by encouraging small clusters of allotments.
Minimising fragmentation of rural land.
Protecting the productive potential of the site.
Retaining natural character, landscape qualities and characteristics, rural character and amenity.
Determining whether fewer than the maximum number of allotments should be created.
Assessing the proposal against the Coastal Environment objectives and policies where the site is located in the Coastal Environment.
RPROZ-P10Other Subdivision
To provide for limited subdivision of rural land creating a new allotment for a surplus existing residential unit where the balance area of the farm is large, and dimensions of the new allotment can accommodate the existing on-site services and provide for efficient access.
RPROZ-P11Location and Design of Subdivisions and Associated Land Developments
To locate and design subdivision and associated land development to avoid urban form and character, maintain rural character and amenity values and protect and enhance environmental features by:
Designing subdivisions to respond to the topography and characteristics of the land being developed.
Avoiding development on highly versatile soils.
Ensuring that the subdivision will not create reverse sensitivity effects with respect to existing lawfully established activities.
RPROZ-P12Quarrying Resource Area Overburden
Recognise that the placement of overburden from an adjacent Quarrying Resource Area may be appropriate if:
It is demonstrated that:
The placement is necessary for the efficient use and development of that Quarrying Resource Area, including if doing so would preserve the long-term access to regionally significant mineral resources.
The placement is a final or long term deposition.
There is no practicable alternative within the Mining Area of the Quarrying Resource Area.
Progressive rehabilitation occurs so that rural character and amenity values are maintained.
The placement avoids highly versatile soils.
The placement is managed to protect existing and consented sensitive activities from unreasonable effects of noise, vibration, dust and illumination.
Other adverse effects are first avoided, and if not avoided, are remedied or mitigated.
An effective separation distance from existing and consented sensitive activities is maintained to give effect to 4 and 5 above.
Any placement of overburden outside the Mining Area but inside the Quarrying Resource Area is subject to policy QRA.1.3.3.
RPROZ-R1Any Activity Not Otherwise Listed in This Chapter
Activity Status: Permitted
Resource consent is not required under any rule of the District Plan.
The activity is not prohibited under any rule of the District Plan.
RPROZ-R2Minor Building
Activity Status: Permitted
Minor buildings are exempt from rules RPROZ-R3 – R5.
RPROZ-R3Building and Major Structure Height
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum building height and major structure height is 10m above ground level.
Compliance Standards:
Mineral Extraction Activities within the Mining Area of a Quarrying Resource Area are exempt and will be assessed by applying the Quarrying Resource Area Chapter provisions.
Frost protection fans are exempt from RPROZ-R3 and shall comply with RPROZ-R11.
Crop protection structures and artificial crop protection structures are exempt from RPROZ-R3 and shall comply with RPROZ-R12.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R4Building and Major Structure Setbacks
Activity Status: Permitted
All buildings and major structures are set back at least:
Compliance Standards:
Mineral Extraction Activities within the Mining Area of a Quarrying Resource Area are exempt and will be assessed by applying the Quarrying Resource Area Chapter provisions.
Frost protection fans are exempt from RPROZ-R4 and shall comply with RPROZ-R11.
Crop protection structures and artificial crop protection structures are exempt from RPROZ-R4 and shall comply with RPROZ-R12.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R5Building and Major Structure Coverage
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum cumulative building and major structure coverage is 20% of the net site area.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R6Indigenous Vegetation Clearance
Activity Status: Permitted
The clearance of indigenous vegetation either:
Does not exceed 500m2 per site within each 10-year period from 12 December 2018; except where:
The clearance is directly associated with rural production activities and that clearance is:
Up to 2,000m2 in area per site within each 10-year period from 12 December 2018 and the vegetation does not meet the significance criteria in Appendix 5 of the Regional Policy Statement for Northland 2016; or
Of indigenous vegetation that has grown naturally since 12 December 2018 on land lawfully cleared of indigenous vegetation; AND
Is not within 20m of a water body; OR
Is associated with:
Including the removal of any tree where any part of the trunk is within the 7.5m distance.
Excluding damage to the roots or removal of any tree where the trunk is outside the 7.5m distance; or
Operation, maintenance and repair of existing tracks, lawns, gardens, fences, drains and other lawfully established activities; or
Pest plant removal and biosecurity works; or
Vegetation removal for customary rights; or
Conservation planting, including planting for ecological restoration purposes.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R7Principal Residential Unit
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum density is 1 principal residential unit per 20ha provided that 1 principal residential unit is permitted on an allotment of any size.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R8Minor Residential Unit
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum density is 1 minor residential unit per site.
The nearest distance between the minor residential unit and the principal residential unit does not exceed 15m.
The maximum gross floor area of the minor residential unit (including decking and garage areas) is 90m2.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved with RPROZ-R8.2 – 3: Discretionary
Activity Status when compliance not achieved with RPROZ-R8.1: Non-Complying
RPROZ-R9Sensitive Activity
Activity Status: Permitted
The sensitive activity (excluding non-habitable buildings) is set back at least:
500m from:
The Mining Area of all Quarrying Resource Areas.
The Strategic Rural Industries Zone.
30m from:
All unsealed metal roads.
All existing plantation forestry on a separate site.
250m from:
Existing intensive livestock farming on a separate site.
Existing activities ancillary to farming or forestry on a separate site.
The Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing Site Strategic Rural Industries Zone – Ancillary Irrigation Farms.
Any application shall comply with information requirement rule RPROZ-REQ1.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R10Commercial Activities
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.
There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.
In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.
The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on-site.
The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2, per site.
There is no illuminated signage or moving signage.
The activity is an ancillary activity to the residential use of the site.
The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.
The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R11Frost Protection Fans
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum height of the frost protection fan is 20m above ground level.
The frost protection fan is set back at least 8m from all site boundaries.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R12Crop Support Structures or Artificial Crop Protection Structures
Activity Status: Permitted
The maximum structure height is 10m above ground level.
The structure is set back at least:
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R13Farm Quarrying
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
The activity does not extract over 5,000m3 in any 12 month period on the site.
The activity does not undertake blasting.
The activity does not establish within 500m of an existing sensitive activity on an adjacent site.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R14Activities Ancillary to Farming or Forestry
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity does not operate within 250m of an existing sensitive activity on a separate site.
The activity operates within any combination of buildings and major structures, and those buildings and major structures do not exceed a cumulative gross floor area of 2,000m2 per site.
The activity does not operate from an outdoor area larger than 500m2.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
RPROZ-R15Intensive Livestock Farming
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
The activity operates within any combination of buildings and major structures, and those buildings and major structures do not exceed a cumulative gross floor area of 2,000m2 per site.
The activity is set back 250m from the boundary of a separate site containing a sensitive activity.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved with RPROZ-R15.1 and 2: Discretionary
Activity Status when compliance not achieved with RPROZ-R15.3: Non-Complying
RPROZ-R16Emergency Services
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R18Plantation Forestry
Activity Status: Permitted
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R19Buildings and Major Structures (excluding minor buildings) associated with Emergency Service
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R20Industrial Activities
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R21Place of Assembly
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R22Recreational Facilities
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R23General Community
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R24Educational Facilities
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R25Care Centre
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R26Retirement Village
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
RPROZ-R27Supported Residential Care
Activity Status: Discretionary
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
Activity Status: Non-Complying
The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.
Information Requirement Rules
RPROZ-REQ1Transport Assessment Statement
Any application under rule RPROZ-R9 must include a transport assessment statement which:
Establishes the current and predicted transport environments/traffic volumes along the road from which the sensitive activity will be set back.
Establishes the likelihood of changes to the nature, scale and intensity of land uses and their traffic generating potential within the catchment served by the road.
PREC18-R1Activity Status
Activity Status: Controlled
Any boundary relocation subdivision between Section 24 Block VII Whangarei SD and Part Lot 1 DP 94742, or subsequent allotment created under PREC18-R1.2 provided it complies with rule SUB-R15, except that each site is not required to have existed at 12 December 2018.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
Activity Status: Discretionary
A single application for resource consent, implementation of which may be staged, for subdivision within Pt Lot 1 DP 94742 (734 Pataua North Road) that proposes environmental protection and on-going management of an environmental protection area, where:
The subdivision complies with rule SUB-R16.3 except:
That the site does not have to have existed on 12 December 2018.
SUB-R16.3(b)(i), (ii) and (iii).
The subdivision complies with the following:
The environmental protection area includes the following areas as shown on Figure PREC18 1:
The terrestrial indigenous vegetation area marked A; and
The wetland habitat area marked B; and
The indigenous riparian margin vegetation area marked C.
The maximum number of additional allotments that can be approved is 8.
Any subdivision under rule PREC18-R1 shall comply with information requirement rules SUB-REQ3.1, SUB-REQ3.6 and SUB-REQ3.7.
PREC19-R1Activity Status
Activity Status: Controlled
A single application for resource consent (implementation of which may be staged) to subdivide 128 and 172 Awaroa River Road, Whangarei (Lot 3 DP 317977 and Lot 2 DP 87364) where:
A total of 7 additional allotments are created (excluding 2 balance allotments arising from the 2 existing allotments, each containing an existing residential unit).
All existing indigenous vegetation within Lot 3 DP 317977 and Lot 2 DP 87364 shall be legally protected in perpetuity in its entirety and managed on an on-going basis in accordance with a Management Plan.
Every covenanted area is held within a single allotment.
No new buildings or major structures have been erected since 12 December 2018 prior to subdivision approval.
Buildings and major structures within building envelopes in accordance with PREC19-R1.1(e) shall:
Where the building envelope is located above the 80m contour, not exceed 6m in height above ground level, and otherwise not exceed 8m in height above ground level.
Have a roofline below the 90m contour.
Not exceed a combined gross floor area of 750m2.
Not have exteriors:
Coloured or painted with a colour with a light reflectance value greater than 35%, provided that 2% of each exterior elevation is exempt.
Utilising mirror glazing.
With a roof colour with a light reflectance value greater than 30%.
Be built into the landform, stepped in structure, with irregular roofline.
The application shall identify areas of landscape mitigation planting:
Planting of areas identified in PREC19-R1.1(h) shall be established in accordance with (h) and shall be:
Legally protected in perpetuity in its entirety.
Managed on an on-going basis in accordance with a Management Plan.
All proposed access, driveways and manoeuvring areas shall be finished with recessive materials (i.e. blue metal, concreate with exposed aggregate or black oxide additive).
The application shall include proposed conditions of consent which are a means by which compliance with rules PREC19-R1.1(g), (i) and (j) is ensured.
The application shall include a management plan that specifies the protection measures proposed to ensure that the vegetation remains protected in perpetuity, that includes how all of the following matters will be implemented prior to the Council issuing section 224(c) certificate:
The establishment of secure stock exclusion.
Site preparation and the establishment of plantings.
The maintenance of plantings. The survival rate must ensure a minimum 90% of the original density and species.
The maintenance of indigenous vegetation must ensure animal and plant pest control occurs.
Matters of control:
The extent of covenant areas and need for on-going management such as pest and weed control, and stock proof fencing.
The location and suitability of building envelopes to mitigate effects on privacy, rural character, landscape and amenity values.
The adequacy of landscape mitigation planting to mitigate effects on privacy, rural character, landscape and amenity values.
The need for additional planting to strengthen any existing native vegetation screening of proposed building envelopes.
The use of recessive materials on driveways and manoeuvring areas to mitigate landscape effects.
The visibility of water tanks, including a preference for vegetative screening.
The type and colour of boundary fencing and gates including:
A preference for post and wire or post and rail.
A preference for timber rail or steel rail gates.
A preference for recessive colours.
Discouragement of solid close board timber fences and gates.
Recessive external lighting.
Eco-sourcing of plant species required for landscape planting.
Avoiding pest species for landscape planting.
Appropriateness of conditions to enforce ongoing compliance.
Refer to the How the Plan Works Chapter for Assessment of Controlled Activities.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Non-Complying
PREC20-R1Activity Status
Activity Status: Discretionary
A subdivision application for resource consent (implementation of which may be staged) to subdivide 2487 Whangarei Heads Road (Part Allot 17 PSH of Manaia) where:
A maximum of three additional allotments are created (excluding the balance allotment); and
All land identified as Outstanding Natural Landscape in the District-Wide Matters Maps shall be:
Legally protected in perpetuity in its entirety.
Managed on an on-going basis in accordance with a Management Plan.
Held within a single site.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Non-Complying
PREC21-R1Activity Status
Activity Status: Discretionary
A single application for resource consent (implementation of which may be staged) that achieves a Net Environmental Benefit to subdivide 1007 Cove Road, Waipu (Lot 3 DP 67636) where:
Up to a maximum of 3 additional allotments are created (excluding 1 balance allotment).
Every allotment has a net site area of at least 2,000m2.
Designation WDC-54 insofar as it crosses the site has been given effect to, with no compensation payable by:
Incorporating the land within the site that is subject to the designation into an esplanade reserve pursuant to section 231 of Resource Management Act 1991, which is to be vested in the Council; or
Incorporating the land within the site that is subject to the designation into an esplanade strip pursuant to section 232 of the Resource Management Act 1991, which is to be created by an instrument registered against the relevant title(s); or
Registering on the relevant title(s) an easement in gross or other legal instrument that ensures public access in perpetuity across the land within the site that is subject to designation.
Any subdivision under rule PREC21.R1.1(c) shall comply with the following information requirements where relevant:
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3. 1 – 3.
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.4.
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.5.
There is no requirement for an esplanade strip or esplanade reserve in addition to PREC21-R1.1(c).
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Non-Complying
Any non-complying subdivision shall comply with information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.7.
PREC22-R1Activity Status
Activity Status: Discretionary
A single application for resource consent (implementation of which may be staged) that achieves a Net Environmental Benefit to subdivide 995 Cove Road, Waipu (Part Lot 1 DP 69511) where:
Up to a maximum of 4 additional allotments are created (excluding 1 balance allotment).
Every allotment had a net site area of at least 2,000m2.
Designation WDC-54 insofar as it crosses the site has been given effect to, with no compensation payable by:
Incorporating the land within the site that is subject to the designation into an esplanade reserve pursuant to section 231 of Resource Management Act 1991, which is to be vested in the Council; or
Incorporating the land within the site that is subject to the designation into an esplanade strip pursuant to section 232 of the Resource Management Act 1991, which is to be created by an instrument registered against the relevant title(s); or
Registering on the relevant title(s) an easement in gross or other legal instrument that ensures public access in perpetuity across the land within the site that is subject to designation.
Any subdivision under rule PREC22-R1 shall comply with the following information requirements where relevant:
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.1 – 3.
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.4.
Information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.5 (where the application creates 3 or less additional allotments, excluding one balance allotment).
There is no requirement for an esplanade strip or esplanade reserve in addition to PREC22-R1.1(c).
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Non-Complying
Any non-complying subdivision shall comply with information requirement rule SUB-REQ3.7.