Low Density Residential Zone

Last updated at Dec. 4, 2024, 1:54 p.m.
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The Low Density Residential Zone (LRZ) provides for low density residential living on the periphery of the Urban Area where more intensive residential development is inappropriate. The zone forms a transition between urban density and the rural environment.

The principal focus of the Low Density Residential Zone is residential activities. Development patterns will generally be characterised by large un-serviced residential lots containing mid to large scale principal residential units, surrounded by large areas of open space. Commercial activities are actively discouraged in the Low Density Residential Zone. However, small scale non-residential activities are provided for where they are ancillary to residential activities.



Maintain and enhance the low density and spacious character of the Low Density Residential Zone.


Subdivision and development maintain on-site amenity and the amenity of adjoining Low Density Residential Zone sites.

LRZ-O3Non-Residential Activities

Residential activities remain the dominant activity in the Low Density Residential Zone and any non-residential activities are compatible with residential amenity.


LRZ-P1Density and Character

To achieve a low density and spacious character by:

  1. Managing the density of residential activities and minimum lot sizes.

  2. Managing the height, bulk and form of development.

  3. Enabling residential units on allotments of a size consistent with the low-density character of the Zone and that are able to accommodate on-site wastewater treatment and disposal.

LRZ-P2Non-Residential Activities

To protect the predominately residential nature of the zone by managing the establishment of non-residential activities and ensuring that any non-residential activities are of a nature, design, scale and appearance that is compatible with a residential context.

LRZ-P3Supported Residential Care and Retirement Villages

To enable a range of appropriate residential activities by providing for supported residential care and retirement villages where they are designed, located and managed to:

  1. Provide a high level of amenity for residents.

  2. Ensure any adverse effects on surrounding Residential Zones and Open Space and Recreation Zones are avoided.

  3. Maintain the existing residential character of the surrounding environment.

  4. Avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on infrastructure, including the transport network.

LRZ-P4Impervious Areas

To restrict impervious areas within sites in order to:

  1. Manage stormwater runoff.

  2. Protect and enhance amenity values.

  3. Safeguard esplanade areas and waterfront walkways.


To encourage design and layout of subdivision which achieves the following:

  1. Lots are shaped and sized to allow generous sunlight to living and outdoor spaces, and provide high levels of on-site amenity and privacy.

  2. Where possible, lots are located so that they overlook and front the road and Open Space and Recreation Zones.

  3. The creation of multiple rear sites is limited, and where practicable avoided.


LRZ-R1Any Activity Not Otherwise Listed in This Chapter

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Resource consent is not required under any rule of the District Plan.

  2. The activity is not prohibited under any rule of the District Plan.

LRZ-R2Minor Buildings

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Minor buildings are exempt from rules LRZ-R3 – R6.

LRZ-R3Building and Major Structure Height

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum building height and major structure height is 8m above ground level.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R4Building and Major Structure Setbacks

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All buildings and major structures are set back at least:

    1. 4.5m from road boundaries.

    2. 3m from side and rear boundaries, allowing for one 2m setback.

    3. 27m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with LRZ-R4.1(a) – (b): Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The outlook and privacy of adjoining and adjacent properties.

  2. Effects of shading and visual dominance on adjoining properties.

  3. Effects on the streetscape character of the area.

  4. Effects on the safety and efficiency of the transport network.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with LRZ-R4.1(c): Discretionary

LRZ-R5Building and Major Structure Height in Relation to Boundary

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All buildings and major structures do not exceed a height equal to 3m above ground level plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building or major structure and any boundary that is not adjoining a road.

Compliance Standard:

  1. Measurements for this rule can be taken from the furthest boundary when adjoining an access lot/access leg.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The outlook and privacy of adjoining and adjacent properties.

  2. Effects of shading and visual dominance on adjoining and adjacent properties.

LRZ-R6Building and Major Structure Coverage

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum cumulative building and major structure coverage is 25% of the net site area.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The scale and bulk of buildings and major structures in relation to the site and the existing built density of the locality.

  2. The outlook and privacy of adjoining and adjacent properties.

  3. Visual dominance of buildings and major structures.

LRZ-R7Impervious Areas

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The impervious area within the site does not exceed 35% of the net site area.

  2. The impervious area is set back at least 5m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary


Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The fence has a maximum height of 2m above ground level.

  2. The fence is not fortified with broken glass.

  3. The fence is not fortified with any form of electrification or barbed wire except for stock exclusion purposes.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. Effects of shading and visual dominance on adjoining properties.

  2. Urban design and passive surveillance.

  3. Effects on streetscape character and amenity.

  4. Health and safety effects.

LRZ-R9Car Parking

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Formed car parking spaces are located at least 2m from any road boundary, excluding any on-street car parking.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. Effects on the safety and efficiency of the transport network.

  2. Effects on pedestrian and cyclist safety and navigability.

  3. Effects on streetscape character and amenity.

LRZ-R10Indigenous Vegetation Clearance

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The clearance of indigenous vegetation either:

    1. Does not exceed 500m2 per site within each 10-year period from 15 July 2020; and

    2. Is not within 20m of a water body; or

    3. Is within a single urban environment allotment; or

    4. Is associated with:

      1. Routine maintenance within 7.5m of the eaves of existing buildings:

        1. Including the removal of any tree where any part of the trunk is within the 7.5m distance.

        2. Excluding damage to the roots or removal of any tree where the trunk is outside the 7.5m distance.

      2. Operation, maintenance and repair of existing tracks, lawns, gardens, fences, drains and other lawfully established activities

      3. Pest plant removal and biosecurity works.

      4. Vegetation removal for customary rights.

      5. Conservation planting, including planting for ecological restoration purposes.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R11Outdoor Areas of Storage or Stockpiles

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The outdoor area of storage or stockpile:

    1. Complies with rule LRZ-R3.

    2. Complies with rules LRZ-R4 – R6.

    3. Is screened from view from adjacent public places and surrounding sites, except for construction materials to be used on-site for a maximum period of 12 months within each 10-year period from 15 July 2020.

Activity Status when compliance with LRZ-R11.1(b) – (c) not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. Effects in relation to dust and odour.

  2. Visual amenity effects.

  3. The matters of discretion in LRZ-R4 – R6.

Activity Status when compliance with LRZ-R11.1(a) not achieved: Discretionary


Activity Status: Permitted

LRZ-R13Supported Residential Care

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity generates less than 25 traffic movements per site, per day.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R14Retirement Village

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity generates less than 25 traffic movements per site, per day.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R15Principal Residential Unit

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum density is 1 principal residential unit per 2,000m2 net site area, provided that 1 principal residential unit is permitted on a site of any size.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R16Minor Residential Unit

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum density is 1 minor residential unit per principal residential unit on the site.

  2. The nearest distance between the minor residential unit and the principal residential unit does not exceed 15m.

  3. The maximum gross floor area of the minor residential unit (including decking and garage areas) is 90m2.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LRZ-R17Retail Activity

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is an ancillary activity to a residential unit on the site.

  2. The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.

  3. The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.

  4. The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

  5. There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.

  6. In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

  7. The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site.

  8. The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2 per site.

  9. There is no illuminated or moving signage.

  10. Each visitor accommodation unit provides an outdoor living court of at least 6m2 and at least 1.8m depth.

Activity Status when compliance with up to two of rules LRZ-R17.4 – 10 is not achieved: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance with more than two of the rules is not achieved or when compliance with any of rules LRZ-R17.1 – 3 is not achieved: Non-Complying

LRZ-R18Commercial Services

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is an ancillary activity to a residential unit on the site.

  2. The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.

  3. The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.

  4. The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

  5. There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.

  6. In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

  7. The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site.

  8. The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2 per site.

  9. There is no illuminated or moving signage.

  10. Each visitor accommodation unit provides an outdoor living court of at least 6m2 and at least 1.8m depth.

Activity Status when compliance with up to two of rules LRZ-R18.4 – 10 is not achieved: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance with more than two of the rules is not achieved or when compliance with any of rules LRZ-R18.1 – 3 is not achieved: Non-Complying

LRZ-R19Food and Beverage Activity

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is an ancillary activity to a residential unit on the site.

  2. The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.

  3. The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.

  4. The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

  5. There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.

  6. In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

  7. The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site.

  8. The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2 per site.

  9. There is no illuminated or moving signage.

  10. Each visitor accommodation unit provides an outdoor living court of at least 6m2 and at least 1.8m depth.

Activity Status when compliance with up to two of rules LRZ-R19.4 – 10 is not achieved: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance with more than two of the rules is not achieved or when compliance with any of rules LRZ-R19.1 – 3 is not achieved: Non-Complying

LRZ-R20Care Centre

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is an ancillary activity to a residential unit on the site.

  2. The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.

  3. The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.

  4. The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

  5. There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.

  6. In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

  7. The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site.

  8. The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2 per site.

  9. There is no illuminated or moving signage.

  10. Each visitor accommodation unit provides an outdoor living court of at least 6m2 and at least 1.8m depth.

Activity Status when compliance with up to two of rules LRZ-R20.4 – 10 is not achieved: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance with more than two of the rules is not achieved or when compliance with any of rules LRZ-R20.1 – 3 is not achieved: Non-Complying

LRZ-R21Visitor Accommodation

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is an ancillary activity to a residential unit on the site.

  2. The principal operator of the activity is a permanent resident on the site.

  3. The activity does not include, before 08:00 or after 18:00 on any day, the operation of machinery, receiving customers or the loading or unloading of vehicles.

  4. The activity generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

  5. There is no car parking between the residential unit and the road.

  6. In addition to the principal operator, the activity has no more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

  7. The activity does not exceed the use of 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site.

  8. The total area of signage is less than 0.25m2 per site.

  9. There is no illuminated or moving signage.

  10. Each visitor accommodation unit provides an outdoor living court of at least 6m2 and at least 1.8m depth.

Activity Status when compliance with up to two of rules LRZ-R21.4 – 10 is not achieved: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance with more than two of the rules is not achieved or when compliance with any of rules LRZ-R21.1 – 3 is not achieved: Non-Complying

LRZ-R22Place of Assembly

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R23Educational Facilities

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R24Entertainment Facilities

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R25Service Stations

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R26Funeral Home

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R27Recreational Facilities

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R28Emergency Services

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R30General Commercial

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R31General Community

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R32Plantation Forestry

Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R33Intensive Livestock Farming

Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R34Farm Quarrying

Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LRZ-R35Industrial Activities

Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


The Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct considers opportunities for subdivision resulting in allotments below the minimum lot size in the Low Density Residential Zone where:

  1. Positive ecological outcomes are achieved; and

  2. Development is designed to minimise the risks of natural hazards.

Subdivision in the Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct may be undertaken using either:

  1. The Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct subdivision rules; or

  2. The underlying Low Density Residential Zone subdivision rules in the Subdivision Chapter.

All relevant district-wide provisions apply.

All relevant underlying Low Density Residential Zone provisions apply, except that the more permissive bulk and location rules in PREC12-R2 – R6 apply to sites that have been created under PREC12-R8.


Have particular regard to opportunities for increased residential density where adverse effects are appropriately managed and existing ecological and biodiversity values are protected.


Adverse effects on the reticulated water supply network are minimised.

PREC12-O3Natural Hazards

Subdivision and future land uses are managed to minimise the risks from natural hazards.

PREC12-O4Ecology and Biodiversity

Subdivision, land use and development are managed to enhance and permanently protect ecological and biodiversity values.

PREC12-P1Residential Subdivision

To provide for a range of site sizes by enabling subdivision below the Low Density Residential Zone minimum site size where the existing ecological and biodiversity values within the site are enhanced and permanently protected.

PREC12-P2Water Supply Infrastructure

To ensure that subdivision and future land uses are well integrated with the reticulated water supply network by:

  1. Ensuring that sufficient capacity exists within the network to accommodate the proposed development; or

  2. Requiring any upgrades which are needed to service the development to an appropriate level of service.

PREC12-P3Natural Hazards

To manage subdivision and future land uses to:

  1. Avoid locating activities and development in areas with a high risk of land instability hazard events.

  2. Locate and design subdivision and future land uses to minimise risks and adverse effects on people, property and the environment.

  3. Ensure that any adverse effects and the existing and residual risks do not endanger human life and are not likely to cause material damage to property or the environment.

PREC12-P4Ecology and Biodiversity

To ensure that subdivision, land use and development:

  1. Enhance and permanently protect the area of indigenous vegetation identified in Figure PREC12 2.

  2. Locate vehicle access routes outside of the area of indigenous vegetation identified in Figure PREC12 2 unless:

    1. There is a functional need to locate vehicle access routes within that area of indigenous vegetation; and

    2. Adverse effects on ecological and biodiversity values within that area of indigenous vegetation will be no more than minor.

PREC12-R1Minor Buildings

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Minor buildings are exempt from rule PREC12-R2.

PREC12-R2Building and Major Structure Setbacks in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All buildings and major structures are set back at least:

    1. 4.5 from road boundaries.

    2. 3m from side and rear boundaries, allowing for one 1.5m setback.

    3. 20m from Mean High Water Springs or the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

  2. Except that non-habitable major structures and buildings, and non-habitable rooms of buildings, may be set back 0m for a maximum length of 7.5m on a single side or rear boundary and a maximum total length of 10.5m on all side and rear boundaries, provided they are setback at least 2.5m from habitable rooms on any other site.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with PREC12-R2.1(a) – (b) or R4.2: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The outlook and privacy of adjoining and adjacent properties.

  2. Effects of shading and visual dominance on adjoining properties.

  3. Impacts on the amenity of any adjacent public walkway.

  4. Where PREC12-R2.1(a) is infringed, the effects on the:

    1. Streetscape character anticipated within the Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct.

    2. Safety and efficiency of the transport network.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with PREC12-R2.1(c): Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The effectiveness of the proposed method for controlling stormwater runoff.

  2. That the proposal will maintain and enhance the amenity values of the area.

  3. That esplanade areas and waterfront walkways are appropriately safeguarded.

  4. The potential to establish an esplanade reserve.

PREC12-R3Outdoor Living Court in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


    1. With 1 or more habitable rooms at ground floor level provides an outdoor living court of which at least 20m2 has a minimum depth of 4m.

    2. With all habitable rooms above ground floor provides an outdoor living court of which at least 8m2 has a minimum depth of 2m.

    1. With 1 or more habitable rooms at ground floor level provides an outdoor living court of which at least 10m2 has a minimum depth of 2.4m.

    2. With all habitable rooms above ground floor provides an outdoor living court of which at least 6m2 has a minimum depth of 1.8m.

  1. The outdoor living court is able to receive direct sunlight for at least 5 hours on the winter solstice over at least 50% of the minimum space required under PREC12-R3.1 – 2.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. Appropriate privacy and amenity of the occupants on-site.

  2. Sufficient sunlight access to outdoor living spaces within the site.

  3. The proximity of the site to communal or public open space that has the potential to mitigate any lack of private outdoor living space.


Any restricted discretionary activity under PREC12-R3 shall not require the written consent of affected persons and shall not be notified or limited-notified unless Council decides that special circumstances exist under section 95A(4) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

PREC12-R4Impervious Areas in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The impervious area within the site does not exceed 60% of the net site area.

  2. The impervious area is set back at least 5m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of Discretion:

  1. The effectiveness of the proposed method for controlling stormwater runoff.

  2. That the proposal will maintain and enhance the amenity values of the area.

  3. That esplanade areas and waterfront walkways are appropriately safeguarded.

PREC12-R5Building and Major Structure Coverage in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum cumulative building and major structure coverage is 40% of the net site area.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. The scale and bulk of buildings and major structures in relation to the site and the existing built density of the locality.

  2. The outlook and privacy of adjoining and adjacent properties.

  3. Visual dominance of buildings and major structures.

PREC12-R6Fences in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The fence has a maximum height of 2m above ground level.

  2. Fencing within 3m of a road boundary is at least 50% visually permeable for any portion above 1m high.

  3. Fencing along a boundary shared with an Open Space and Recreation Zone is at least 50% visually permeable for any portion above 1.5m high.

  4. The fence is not fortified with broken glass.

  5. The fence is not fortified with or any form of electrification or barbed wire except for stock exclusion purposes.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary

Matters of discretion:

  1. Effects of shading and visual dominance on adjoining properties.

  2. Urban design and passive surveillance.

  3. Effects on streetscape character and amenity.

  4. Health and safety effects.

Figure PREC12 1. Examples of fences solid up to 1m and 50% visually permeable between 1m and 2m
PREC12-R7Principal Residential Unit in any Site Created Under PREC12-R8

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum density is 1 principal residential unit per 400m2 net site area provided that 1 principal residential unit is permitted on a site of any size.

  2. Every principal residential unit is separated by at least 3m from any other detached residential unit (excluding any ancillary minor residential unit).

  3. Every principal residential unit is separated by at least 6m from any other detached residential unit where there is an outdoor living court between the residential units (excluding any ancillary minor residential unit).

  4. Every residential unit provides a living area that can receive direct sunlight for at least 5 hours on the winter solstice.

  5. There is a separation distance of at least 6m from any window in a habitable room to a window of a habitable room in a separate residential unit (excluding any ancillary minor residential unit) where there is a direct line of sight between the windows.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary


  1. Any application shall comply with information requirement rule PREC12-REQ4.


Activity Status: Restricted Discretionary


  1. Every site can contain a rectangle of at least 8m by 15m.

  2. Every vacant site contains an identified building area of at least 100m2 within which a residential unit can be built so that there is compliance as a permitted activity with the relevant Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct and Low Density Residential Zone rules.

  3. Every site has a minimum net site area of at least 400m2.

  4. The area of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC12 2 is proposed to be legally protected in perpetuity in its entirety and managed on an on-going basis in accordance with an Ecological Management Plan, except that 1 internal vehicle access route may be provided within the area of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC12 2.

Matters of discretion:

  1. The matters over which control is reserved in SUB-R5.

  2. Effects on the existing reticulated water supply network, including effects on the water pressure available to the proposed sites and existing sites in the area.

  3. Whether the servicing needs of the proposal require upgrades to the existing reticulated water supply network.

  4. Effects on the ecological and biodiversity values within the site and within mapped features in the surrounding area that are greater than effects enabled by the underlying Low Density Residential Zone.

  5. The location and design of vehicle access within the area of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC12 2 and alternative route options for vehicle access outside of that area of indigenous vegetation.

  6. Effects on the stability of land or any existing or future structures, and the potential to create new or exacerbate existing land instability hazards.

  7. Effects of remediating the land instability hazard.

  8. The intend use of the land and its vulnerability to the potential effects of land instability.

  9. The design and location of any infrastructure and on-site services and their susceptibility to adverse effects from land instability hazards and potential risks to public health and the environment.

  10. Recommendations and proposed conditions and remediation or mitigation measures of the site suitability report and any further information provided through the consent process.

  11. The extent to which site boundaries reflect natural and physical boundaries, including mapped district-wide resources.


  1. Any application shall comply with information requirement rules PREC12-REQ1 – REQ3.

  2. All relevant District-Wide and Overlay subdivision objectives, policies and rules apply in addition to PREC12-R8 except for SUB-R4.

  3. PREC12-R8 may be used as an alternative to the Low Density Zone subdivision rules in SUB-R4.

Activity Status when compliance is not achieved with PREC12-R8.1 – R8.2: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance is not achieved with PREC12-R8.3 – R8.4: Non-Complying

Figure PREC12 2. Lot 1 DP 310956 Indigenous Vegetation to be Protected
Information Requirement Rules
PREC12-REQ1Ecological Report and Ecological Management Plan
  1. Any application under rule PREC12-R8 must include an ecological report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist which shall address the following matters:

    1. An assessment of the effects of the potential development on the indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC12 2, including but not limited to:

      1. Location and proximity of proposed sites and building platforms to that indigenous vegetation.

      2. Orientation of light, noise, reflective sources to minimise impact on resident fauna.

      3. Building platforms.

      4. Access, in particular vehicle access through that indigenous vegetation and consideration of alternative routes outside of that indigenous vegetation.

      5. Earthworks.

      6. Services, including stormwater, wastewater, water supply, telecommunications networks, and energy (electricity or gas) networks.

      7. Pets, farmed animals, pests, weeds, garden escapes and green waste dumping.

    2. An Ecological Management Plan that specifies the protection measures proposed to ensure that the indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC12 2 remains protected in perpetuity, that includes how all of the following matters will be implemented prior to the Council issuing section 224(c) certificate:

      1. The establishment of secure stock exclusion.

      2. Methods of animal and plant pest control.

      3. Identification of any indigenous taxa within the site and surrounding area that are listed as threatened or at risk in the NZ Threat classification system lists.

      4. An assessment of the effects of the potential development on any identified specifies in information requirement rule PREC12-REQ1.1(b)(iii) and the methods proposed to protect the species and monitoring on-going effects after subdivision.

      5. Any additional protection and on-going management methods including but not limited to methods of weed and pest management and any measures to control cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, mustelids and possums.

PREC12-REQ2Connection to Public Reticulated Water Supply Network
  1. Any application under rule PREC12-R8 must include an assessment detailing:

    1. Information from Council as to whether the existing reticulated water supply network can service the proposed development with sufficient water pressure.

    2. Any upgrades and/or extensions to existing public reticulated water supply network that are proposed or necessary.

    3. Where sufficient pressure is not available within the reticulated water supply network:

      1. Upgrades proposed by the developer that are necessary to increase the network’s pressure to accommodate the development; or

      2. The proposed timing and staging of development to ensure that it is coordinated with any planned Long Term Plan upgrades identified by Council which will provide adequate pressure.

    4. Land and infrastructure to be vested in the Council.

PREC12-REQ3Land Instability Hazards
  1. Any application under rule PREC12-R8 must provide a site suitability report for the entire area of Lot 1 DP 310956 prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced geotechnical professional (e.g. Chartered Professional Engineer) which includes (but is not limited to) the following:

    1. Topographic Survey (if not already available).

    2. A description of the geology and geomorphology of the site and immediate surrounding areas.

    3. Definition of the nature and continuity of the strata over the site to a depth below which slipping is most likely, by means of test pits and/or continuous recovery core drilling (unless existing exposures are adequate).

    4. Determination of the peak and residual shear strength parameters (either from laboratory tests or back analysis of relevant slope failures) and the sensitivity of the soil in each stratum in which, or interface on which, sliding is practicable.

    5. Assessment of groundwater levels and piezometric pressures in the strata during extreme infiltration conditions.

    6. Analysis of practicable failure mechanisms, relevant to the specific geology and geomorphology of the site using effective stresses.

    7. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the stability of the ground and the preventative (or remedial) measures to be incorporated in the development.

    8. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the stability of the whole slope (upon which the development site may form only part of) and the effects of the development (such as excavation, filling, removal of vegetation, disposal of stormwater or effluent wastewater into or over the area) on the whole slope.

    9. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the suitability of the proposed subdivision and future land uses (including the nature, scale, density and location of future residential units and associated services that may be developed through the Parihaka Environmental Benefit Precinct rules) within the site.

    10. Definite conclusions and recommendations on any development restrictions, specifically addressing Section 106 of the Resource Management Act 1991 for any subdivision.

PREC12-REQ4Urban Design and Density
  1. All applications for resource consent pursuant to PREC12-R7 shall include an urban design assessment prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced professional which details:

    1. An analysis of the site in relation to its context, including:

      1. The key characteristics of the local area, including the character and scale of surrounding development including any cultural relationships or historic heritage features and clearly recording any matters which particularly contribute to the character of the area, that detract from the area.

      2. The landform and topography of the site and surrounding environment.

      3. The ecology and habitat of the site and surrounding environment.

      4. Access to public and active transport infrastructure.

    2. An assessment of how the proposal contributes to the planned suburban environment of the area and is consistent with best practice urban design, including:

      1. Effects on the character of the area and neighbourhood, residential amenity and pedestrian and vehicular movements.

      2. The relationship of the proposed development to public places and how the proposal responds to any issues or characteristics identified in the site analysis.

      3. Any proposed measures to avoid or mitigate adverse effects on adjacent public places and residential sites.

      4. Any proposed measures to incorporate Māori design elements.

      5. Any proposed measures to facilitate active and public transport.

    3. Any consultation undertaken as part of any pre-application meetings with Council and any mitigation measures that were recommended by Council.

    4. Any consultation undertaken with mana whenua and a summary of the results of that consultation.


  1. Acceptable means of compliance and best practice urban design guidance is contained within Whangārei District Council’s Urban Design Guidelines.


The O’Shea Road Environmental Benefit Precinct enables development consistent with the Low Density Residential Zone where:

  1. Development is designed to minimise the risks of land instability natural hazards; and

  2. Positive ecological outcomes are achieved.

All relevant district-wide and underlying Low Density Residential Zone provisions apply in addition to the PREC17 provisions.

PREC17-O1Natural Hazards

Subdivision and future land uses are managed to minimise the risks from land instability natural hazards.

PREC17-O2Ecology and Biodiversity

Subdivision, land use and development are managed to enhance and permanently protect ecological and biodiversity values.

PREC17-P1Natural Hazards

To manage subdivision and future land uses to:

  1. Avoid locating activities and development in areas with a high residual risk of land instability hazard events.

  2. Locate and design subdivision and future land uses to minimise risks and adverse effects on people, property and the environment.

  3. Ensure that any adverse effects and the existing and residual risks of natural hazards do not endanger human life and are not likely to cause material damage to property or the environment.

PREC17-P2Ecology and Biodiversity

To ensure that subdivision, land use and development enhance and permanently protect the areas of indigenous vegetation identified in Figure PREC17 1.

PREC17-R1Indigenous Vegetation Clearance

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The clearance is permitted under LRZ-R10; and

  2. The clearance is either:

    1. Outside of the areas of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC17 1; or

    2. Within the areas of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC17 1 and is associated with:

      1. Operation, maintenance and repair of existing tracks, fences and drains; or

      2. Pest plant removal and biosecurity works; or

      3. Conservation planting, including planting for ecological restoration purposes.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary


Activity Status: Controlled


  1. The areas of indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC17 1 are:

    1. Proposed to be legally protected in perpetuity in their entirety.

    2. Managed on an on-going basis in accordance with an Ecological Management Plan.

Matters of control:

  1. The matters over which control is reserved in SUB-R4.

  2. Effects on the ecological and biodiversity values within the site.

  3. Effects on the stability of land or any existing or future structures, and the potential to create new or exacerbate existing land instability hazards.

  4. Effects of remediating the land instability hazard.

  5. The intended use of the land and its vulnerability to the potential effects of land instability.

  6. The design and location of any infrastructure and on-site services and their susceptibility to adverse effects from land instability hazards and potential risks to public health and the environment.

  7. Recommendations and proposed conditions and remediation or mitigation measures of the site suitability report and any further information provided through the consent process.

  8. The extent to which site boundaries take account of natural and physical boundaries, including mapped district-wide resources and overlays.


  1. Any application shall comply with information requirement rules PREC17-REQ1 – REQ2.

  2. All relevant District-Wide and Overlay subdivision objectives, policies and rules apply in addition to PREC17-R2.

Activity Status when compliance is not achieved: Discretionary

Figure PREC17 1. Areas of Indigenous Vegetation to be Protected (shown in Yellow Hatching)
Information Requirement Rules
PREC17-REQ1Ecological Report and Ecological Management Plan
  1. Any application under rule PREC17-R2 must include an ecological report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist which shall address the following matters:

    1. An assessment of the effects of the potential development on the indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC17 Map 1, including but not limited to:

      1. Location and proximity of proposed sites to that indigenous vegetation.

      2. Orientation of light, noise, reflective sources to minimise impact on resident fauna.

      3. Building platforms.

      4. Access.

      5. Earthworks.

      6. Services, including stormwater, wastewater, water supply, telecommunications networks, and energy (electricity or gas) networks.

      7. Pets, farmed animals, pests, weeds, garden escapes and green waste dumping.

      8. The location of site boundaries, any adverse effects which may arise from the boundary location proposed (including where applicable any adverse effects which may arise as a result of fragmentation of contiguous indigenous vegetation if it is not held within a single site), and how the vegetation will be appropriately managed on an on-going basis.

      9. The mechanisms to ensure that the management plan required under information requirement rule PREC17-REQ1.1(b) applies to and binds future owners.

    2. An Ecological Management Plan that specifies the protection measures proposed to ensure that the indigenous vegetation identified on Figure PREC17 Map 1 remains protected in perpetuity, including how all of the following matters will be implemented prior to the Council issuing section 224(c) certificate:

      1. The establishment of secure stock exclusion.

      2. Methods of animal and plant pest control.

      3. Identification of any indigenous taxa within the site and surrounding area that are listed as threatened or at risk in the NZ Threat classification system lists.

      4. An assessment of the effects of the potential development on any identified specifies in information requirement rule PREC17-REQ1.1(b)(iii) and the methods proposed to protect the species and monitoring on-going effects after subdivision.

      5. Any additional protection and on-going management methods including but not limited to methods of weed and pest management and any measures to control cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, mustelids and possums.

PREC17-REQ2Land Instability Hazards
  1. Any application under rule PREC17-R2 must provide a site suitability report for the entire area of PREC17 prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced geotechnical professional (e.g. Chartered Professional Engineer) which includes (but is not limited to) the following:

    1. Topographic Survey (if not already available).

    2. A description of the geology and geomorphology of the site and immediate surrounding areas.

    3. Definition of the nature and continuity of the strata over the site to a depth below which slipping is most likely, by means of test pits and/or continuous recovery core drilling (unless existing exposures are adequate).

    4. Determination of the peak and residual shear strength parameters (either from laboratory tests or back analysis of relevant slope failures) and the sensitivity of the soil in each stratum in which, or interface on which, sliding is practicable.

    5. Assessment of groundwater levels and piezometric pressures in the strata during extreme infiltration conditions.

    6. Analysis of practicable failure mechanisms, relevant to the specific geology and geomorphology of the site using effective stresses.

    7. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the stability of the ground and the preventative (or remedial) measures to be incorporated in the development.

    8. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the stability of the whole slope (upon which the development site may form only part of) and the effects of the development (such as excavation, filling, removal of vegetation, disposal of stormwater or effluent wastewater into or over the area) on the whole slope.

    9. The geo-professional’s opinion as to the suitability of the proposed subdivision and future land uses (including the nature, scale, density and location of future residential units and associated services that may be developed through the Low Density Residential Zone rules) within the site.

    10. Definite conclusions and recommendations on any development restrictions, specifically addressing Section 106 of the Resource Management Act 1991 for any subdivision.