Signs play an important role in communication and may be used to identify places, provide information about community facilities and services, convey important health and safety messages, and control and direct traffic. Signs also enable businesses to advertise goods and services which is important in supporting the social and economic wellbeing of the District.
The importance of the role of signs needs to be balanced against the impact that excessive, poorly designed or inappropriately located signs can have, particularly on the safety of the transport network and the amenity values of an area.
It is appropriate that some signs be allowed in order to support the communication of important information and enable the identification of facilities, directions and goods and services. However, controls on the design, number, size and location of signage are also required in order to ensure that the amenity values of the various zones within the District are maintained and so that signs do not compromise the safe and efficient operation of the transport network and/or the legibility of certain areas.
Illumination of signage is increasingly used within the Whangarei District and may be associated with businesses advertising or the conveyance of safety information (including traffic safety). Illuminated signage is generally considered an effective method of conveying information due to its predominance against a dark background. However careful consideration needs to be applied to the design and location of illuminated signage. This is because poorly designed and located illuminated signage can have a detrimental impact on the surrounding environment including amenity and the safe and efficient operation of the transport network. For clarity purposes, the definition of Illuminated Sign includes reflective signs, digital signs, and signs that incorporate flashing, animation and variable message displays.
The District Plan controls apply to permanent signage where it is located on private land, public spaces such as parks and reserves and other civic spaces, and within the road, including footpaths and verandahs of buildings. Temporary signage which can be seen from public areas and the road, such as electoral signage, real estate signage and temporary event signage, is controlled through Council Bylaws. It is important to note that permanent signs located on or over roads, footpaths and public places are also subject to standard construction requirements for public safety purposes as specified in the Council Bylaw. Signs may also be subject to landowner approval and requirements imposed by the road controlling authority under the Land Transport Act 1998. All signs located on or over a state highway are subject to the NZ Transport Agency Signs on State Highways Bylaw 2010.
SIGN-O1Provision for Signs
Signage is provided for across a range of zones where:
It maintains, or where appropriate enhances, the character and amenity of the surrounding zone.
It does not adversely impact heritage values, the transport network, pedestrian and cyclist safety, or impede the efficient use of infrastructure.
It is provided in a manner which is efficient, legible and functional.
SIGN-O2Illuminated Sign
Illuminated signage is provided for where it contributes to the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of the District in a manner which:
Maintains or enhances the amenity and character of the surrounding environment.
Avoids or mitigates adverse effects on the safe and efficient operation of the transport network, heritage values, amenity, and the health and safety of people.
SIGN-P1Scale and Intensity
To provide for signage across a range of zones at a scale and intensity which ensures that the signage maintains the character and amenity of these zones and traffic safety within these zones by:
Requiring signage to relate to the goods or services available on-site.
Limiting the size, location, and design of signage.
Requiring the consideration of cumulative effects of signage, taking into account whether the signage in conjunction with existing signs will create visual clutter or other adverse cumulative effects on amenity values or traffic safety.
SIGN-P2Built Heritage
To avoid adverse effects of signage on scheduled built heritage items or within their surroundings by:
Restricting unnecessary, unsympathetic, large-scale or inappropriate signage.
Avoiding signs that will damage, dominate, obscure or detract from the built heritage item or surrounds.
SIGN-P3Health and Safety Signs
To provide for signage required to protect the health and safety of the community and enable navigation.
SIGN-P4Traffic Safety Signs
To manage signs visible from roads, including the state highway, to maintain traffic safety by:
Providing for road signs associated with road safety where they are designed and erected by the relevant authorities for the purpose of traffic control or public safety.
Controlling the location, size and design of signage visible from roads.
SIGN-P5Community Signs
To provide for permanent community signage where:
It clearly displays the location of public facilities, place-names and their distances, destinations of historical, cultural, spiritual, sporting, or scenic significance.
It does not result in significant adverse effects, including cumulative effects, on the character and amenity of the zone in which it is located.
SIGN-P6Shared Location and Consolidated Signage
To encourage the shared location of signage, such as community, directional and commercial signage, where it is located beyond the site or activity to which it relates.
SIGN-P7Illuminated Signage (Amenity and Character)
To require illuminated signage to maintain the amenity and character of the zone and District-Wide Overlay in which it is located by controlling:
The use of illuminated signage in zones where amenity values are higher and the background lighting levels are generally lower.
The design, location and brightness of illuminated signage in the City Centre, Mixed Use, Commercial, Shopping Centre, Light Industrial, Heavy Industrial, Local Centre, Sport and Active Recreation, Port, Town Centre, Strategic Rural Industries and Hospital Zones.
SIGN-P8Illuminated Signage (Traffic Safety)
To require illuminated signage to be located and designed to minimise the potential for adverse effects on traffic safety.
SIGN-R1Any Activity Not Otherwise Listed in This Chapter
Activity Status: Permitted
Resource consent is not required under any rule of the District Plan.
The activity is not prohibited under any rules of the District Plan.
All temporary signs located on vehicles, within the legal road boundary, on road verges, road reserves, or on private land where they are visible from an adjoining or adjacent property and roads, are regulated by Council Bylaws and the New Zealand Transport Agency (in relation to state highways).
Signage content (such as offensive messages), whether temporary or permanent, located on vehicles within the legal road boundary, on road verges, road reserves, or on private land where they are visible from an adjoining or adjacent property(s) and roads are regulated by Council Bylaws, the New Zealand Transport Agency (in relation to state highways) and may also be subject to the provisions of SIGN.
SIGN-R2Any Official Sign
Activity Status: Permitted
If illuminated, the sign satisfies the Illuminated Signage Brightness Limits specified in Rule SIGN-R19.2(d) – (e).
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion:
The effects of the illuminated sign, specifically light spill and glare, on the amenity values and character of the surrounding zone(s).
Scale, location, and hours of operation/duration of illumination.
The effects of illumination/animation on traffic safety and the efficient and safe function of the roading network.
Cumulative effects.
SIGN-R3Any Road Sign
Activity Status: Permitted
Are erected by a road controlling authority or their authorised representative.
Are for the purpose of traffic control, direction or public safety.
Are located within the legal road reserve.
Comply with the AS/NZS 1158 series of standards.
That are illuminated satisfy the Illuminated Signage Brightness Limits specified in Rule SIGN-R19.2(d) – (e).
Signage erected in the road reserve and areas subject to the control of the roading authority may also be subject to requirements imposed by the road controlling authority under the Land Transport Act 1998.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity effects.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
The effects of the illuminated sign, specifically light spill and glare, on the amenity values and character of the surrounding zone(s).
SIGN-R4Any Community Sign
Activity Status: Permitted
Any illuminated sign satisfies the Illuminated Signage Brightness Limits specified in Rule SIGN-R19.2(d) – (e).
The sign relates to the display of information for non-profit community associations/groups.
The sign is located within the road or any public place, the following controls are met:
No more than one community sign is permitted per site frontage to the road.
The total display area shall comply with the permitted activity sign rules for the underlying zone.
The sign is not within a vehicular carriageway, shared path, cycleway or footpath.
Where located within a state highway reserve area, the speed limit is less than 70km/hour.
Signs located on or over roads, footpaths and public places are also subject to standard construction requirements for public safety purposes as specified in the Council Bylaw. Signs may also be subject to landowner approval and subject to requirements imposed by the road controlling authority under the Land Transport Act 1998.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity effects.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
The effects of the illuminated sign, specifically light spill and glare, on the amenity values and character of the surrounding zone(s).
SIGN-R5Any Sign Visible from Beyond the Site on which it is Located
All Zones and Port Nikau Development Area
Activity Status: Permitted
The sign:
Does not obscure any official sign, traffic sign or traffic signal.
Is located so as to provide an unrestricted view to the motorist for a minimum distance of 250m if the sign is visible from a road which has a speed limit of 70kph or greater.
Relates to goods and services available on the site, except for a property naming sign or number, official signs, road signs and community signs.
Complies with the relevant building and major structure height in relation to boundary setback when located on a site adjacent to a Residential Zone or Open Space and Recreation Zone.
Does not resemble any official sign, road sign or Traffic Signal.
Is not located:
Within 100m of an intersection and/or a traffic signal on legal road corridors with a posted speed limit of less than 70kph.
Within 200m of an intersection and/or a traffic signal on legal road corridors with a posted speed limit of greater than 70kph.
Rule Exemption:
SIGN-R5.1(d) does not apply where the sign is located within the Open Space and/or Sport and Active Recreation Zone and the adjoining zone is also an Open Space and/or Sport and Active Recreation Zone.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety.
Impacts on landscape values and natural character.
Impacts on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R6Any Sign in Residential, Neighbourhood Centre, Town Centre Zone, Settlement Zone Residential and Future Urban Zones and Port Nikau Development Area – Residential Areas A - C
Activity Status: Permitted
There is no more than one sign per site.
The height of the sign does not exceed 2m (applicable to freestanding signs and to signs affixed to a structure or building).
The area of the sign does not exceed 1m2.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 -R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R7Any Sign in Rural Production and Rural Living Zones
Activity Status: Permitted
There is no more than one sign per site.
The height of the sign does not exceed 3m (applicable to freestanding signs and to signs affixed to a structure or building).
The area of the sign does not exceed 3m2.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R8Any Sign within Open Space and Natural Open Space Zones
Activity Status: Permitted
The height of any sign does not exceed 3m (applicable to freestanding signs and to signs affixed to a structure or building).
The area of any sign does not exceed 3m2. OR where:
Any sign is in accordance with an approved Reserve Management Plan authorised under the Reserves Act 1977.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R9Any Sign in the Waterfront Zone and Settlement Zone
Activity Status: Permitted
The height of any sign does not exceed 3m (applicable to freestanding signs and signs affixed to a structure or building).
Any individual sign is no larger than 1m² and the total area of all signs is no greater than 3m².
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R10Any Sign in the Airport Zone
Activity Status: Permitted
The height of any freestanding sign does not exceed 2m above ground level.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R11Any Sign within the Ruakaka Equine Zone
Activity Status: Permitted
Signs visible from beyond the zone only relate to the goods and services available within the Ruakaka Equine Zone, equine related activities, or information related to the management of the Ruakaka Equine Zone.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R12Any Sign within the City Centre, Sport and Active Recreation, Settlement Zone Industry, Mixed Use, and Local Centre Zones and Port Nikau Development Area – Local Commercial Area D
Activity Status: Permitted
No more than one freestanding sign is shared by establishments on a rear site sharing an accessway.
The height of any freestanding sign does not exceed 8.5m above ground level, except within the City Centre Zone where the height does not exceed 4m above ground level.
The total signage area does not exceed 0.12m² per metre of frontage up to a maximum area of 6m².
No sign has an area greater than 3m2.
Directional signs with signage content for directional purposes only shall not exceed 1m2 in area and 1.5m in height and do not contribute to the five-sign maximum.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R13Any Sign within the Commercial, Shopping Centre, Light Industrial Zones
Activity Status: Permitted
No more than one freestanding sign is shared by establishments on a rear site sharing an accessway.
The height of any freestanding sign does not exceed 8.5m above ground level.
The total signage area does not exceed 0.24m² per metre of frontage up to a maximum area of 12m².
No sign has an area greater than 6m2.
Directional signs with signage content for directional purposes only shall not exceed 1m2 in area and 1.5m in height and do not contribute to the five-sign maximum.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R14Any Sign within the Heavy Industrial, Port and Strategic Rural Industries Zones
Activity Status: Permitted
The height of any freestanding sign does not exceed 9m above ground level.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R15Any Sign within the Hospital Zone
Activity Status: Permitted
Signs visible from beyond the zone only relate to the goods and services available within the Hospital Zone, or information related to the management of the Hospital Zone.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R16Any Sign on a Verandah
Activity Status: Permitted
The signs comply with the permitted sign rules for the relevant zone.
No more than one sign is located on the verandah fascia.
No more than one sign is attached beneath the verandah.
No sign is located on top of the verandah.
Do not exceed a combined total area of 2.5m2.
Are located at least 2.4m above the footpath.
Are no more than 900mm in depth.
Protrude no more than 200mm from the fascia.
Where the sign is located under the verandah, is at right angles to the fascia.
Rule Exemption:
Official signs, road signs and community signs are only required to comply with SIGN-R2 – R5.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
Visual amenity and character effects including:
Within the zone it is located.
On adjacent or adjoining zones.
On public spaces.
Scale, location and design.
Lighting and traffic safety effects.
Effects on landscape values and natural character.
Effects on cultural and heritage values.
Cumulative effects.
Duration of consent.
SIGN-R17Any Sign on a Scheduled Built Heritage Item or with the Site Surrounds
Activity Status: Permitted
The sign:
Only provides information directly related to the item’s heritage value.
Will not damage the built heritage item or the site surrounds.
Does not contain illuminated, flashing or moving elements.
Total signage does not exceed an area of 0.25m2 in Residential Zones.
Total signage does not exceed an area of 2.5m2 in Business Zones.
Total signage does not exceed an area of 1.5m2 in all other zones.
Site surrounds is defined in the Definitions Chapter.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
SIGN-R18Any Illuminated Sign Not Visible from Beyond the Site Boundary
Activity Status: Permitted
SIGN-R19Any Illuminated Sign Visible from Beyond the Site Boundary
Activity Status: Restricted Discretionary
The illuminated sign is located within the following zones and Port Nikau Development Area:
City Centre Zone
Mixed Use Zone
Commercial Zone
Shopping Centre Zone
Local Centre Zone
Light Industrial Zone
Heavy Industrial Zone
Sport and Active Recreation Zone
Port Zone
Marsden City Precinct
Strategic Rural Industries Zone
Hospital Zone
The illuminated sign:
Complies with the signage controls for the zone in which the sign is located and the requirements of SIGN-R5.
Is not animated, moving or flashing and does not contain any moving image or wording.
Is not located within 20m of any road intersection.
Complies with the Illuminated Signage Brightness Limits in the SIGN Table 1 below.
The maximum brightness levels have been measured by calculation or certified by a suitably qualified and experienced professional (e.g. Chartered Professional Engineer or Independently Qualified Person).
Complies with a 0.5 second transition time between images.
Has a minimum dwell time of 8 seconds per image.
Low light environment | Medium light environment | High light environment |
Future Urban, Rural Lifestyle, Rural Production, Ruakaka Equine, Natural Open Space, Low Density Residential, Large Lot Residential Zones, Port Nikau Development Area – Residential Areas A - C | Settlement Zone Centre, Strategic Rural Industries, Local Centre, Neighbourhood Centre, General Residential, Medium Density Residential, Open Space Zones, Port Nikau Development Area – Local Commercial Area D | Settlement Zone Industry, City Centre, Mixed Use, Waterfront, Commercial, Shopping Centre, Light Industrial, Marsden City Precinct, Heavy Industrial, Sport and Active Recreation, Port, Airport and Hospital Zones |
150 Maximum candelas per m2 (cd/ m2) during the hours of darkness | 300 Maximum candelas per m2 (cd/ m2) during the hours of darkness | 350 Maximum candelas per m2 (cd/ m2) during the hours of darkness |
Matters of discretion:
The effects of the illuminated sign, specifically light spill and glare, on the amenity values and character of the surrounding zone(s).
Scale, location, and hours of operation/duration of illumination.
The effects of illumination/animation on traffic safety and the efficient and safe function of the roading network.
Cumulative effects.
All official signs, road signs, community signs or signs not visible from beyond the site boundary refer to rule SIGN-R2 – R4 and SIGN-R18 above.
During daylight hours, an exterior digital sign may have a significantly higher luminance to stand-out from a higher (daylight) background luminance, provided these signs are programmed to reduce their luminance down to a much lower level during the night hours.
Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary
SIGN-R20Any Illuminated Sign Visible from Beyond the Site Boundary
Activity Status: Discretionary
The sign is located within the following zones and Port Nikau Development Area:
Neighbourhood Centre Zone
Open Space Zone
Natural Open Space Zone
Waterfront Zone
Town Centre Zone
Airport Zone
Ruakaka Equine Zone
Rural Production Zone
Rural Lifestyle Zone
Settlement Zone Residential
Future Urban Zone
Settlement Zone Industry
Settlement Zone Centre
All official signs, road signs, community signs or signs not visible from beyond the site boundary refer to rule SIGN-R2 – R4 and SIGN-R18 above.
SIGN-R21Consolidated Sign Installations
Activity Status: Restricted Discretionary
Matters of discretion are restricted to:
The effects of the consolidated signage installation, specifically on the amenity values and character of the surrounding zone(s).
Scale, location and content of consolidated signage installations.
The effects of consolidated signage installations on traffic safety and the efficient and safe function of the roading network.
Cumulative effects.
Signs proposed to be displayed within legally established sign parks may require the approval of Council and may also require payment of a fee in accordance with Council’s current Fees and Charges schedule.