Large Lot Residential Zone

Last updated at Oct. 3, 2024, 8 a.m.
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The Large Lot Residential Zone (LLRZ) provides for people who wish to live in close proximity to Whangārei City and associated amenities, but prefer to live in areas that have a rural outlook, ambiance and amenity on a section large enough to achieve a high degree of privacy without being a maintenance burden. The Large Lot Residential Zone is a residential zone with a rural outlook. Infrastructure and network utility operations are located within, and in proximity to this zone.

The Large Lot Residential Zone is situated on the fringes between Whangārei City Urban Zones and Rural Production Zone, where there has traditionally been a demand for this type of lifestyle. In addition to providing a rural outlook for the residential enclaves, the uninhabited areas are being preserved for their recreational or conservation potential. Some of these areas contain highly versatile soils, so the protection of these areas for their food producing potential by avoiding fragmentation and over capitalisation of the land is also expected.

The clustered large lot residential enclave development pattern that is envisaged in the Large Lot Residential Zone constitutes the 'final form' of development for these areas. There is no intention that this will be a transition to a 'Future Urban Zone'. Accordingly, notwithstanding the proximity of any strictly ‘urban’ services (such as reticulated wastewater and water supply), Council will resist service expansion on the basis that it would constitute unplanned expansion of services beyond their predetermined limits.


LLRZ-O1Living Opportunities

Provide opportunities for people to live in close proximity to Whangārei City and associated amenities, in a manner that safeguards rural character and ecological and productive values.

LLRZ-O2Character and Amenity

Preserve rural character and amenity whilst enabling large lot residential development.


Maximise the extent of privacy, openness and rural outlook between residential clusters.

LLRZ-O4Reverse Sensitivity

Manage reverse sensitivity where the uninhabited spaces around clusters are, or can be, used for productive agricultural or horticultural activities.

LLRZ-O5Non-Residential Activities

Small scale non-residential activities are provided for where their effects are compatible with a Large Lot Residential Zone.

LLRZ-O6Allotment Size

Residential allotment sizes are no larger than necessary to provide sufficient area for dwellings, accessory buildings and curtilage.


LLRZ-P1Rural Character and Amenity

To preserve rural character and amenity whilst enabling large lot residential development in a transitional zone and maintaining factors that contribute to rural character including:

  1. Dominance of natural landforms with built features and roading subservient to and cohesive with these.

  2. A sense of spaciousness.

  3. Low night time light levels.

  4. Dominance of natural features including landforms, watercourses, and vegetation.


To manage the effects of soil disturbance, dust, and sediment runoff by limiting the maximum area of exposed earthworks.

LLRZ-P3Reverse Sensitivity

To manage reverse sensitivity effects by preventing sensitive activities from being located in close proximity to the boundary of a Quarrying Resource Area, the Heavy Industrial Zone or the Rural Production Zone.

LLRZ-P4Privacy and Sunlight

To maintain amenity, avoid dominance of buildings and loss of access to sunlight, and to maintain a high level of privacy by:

  1. Managing the height of buildings and the height of buildings in relation to the distance from site boundaries.

  2. Locating and orientating building areas to ensure each have a rural outlook.

LLRZ-P5Highly Versatile Soils

To preserve the productive capacity of highly versatile soils by:

  1. Limiting the extent of building coverage.

  2. Requiring the indefinite retention of 50% of the site.

  3. Requiring subdivision design and location of proposed building areas to be located on the least productive land.


To preserve rural character and amenity and to enhance biodiversity by protecting areas of indigenous vegetation and habitats, and precluding earthworks or the construction of buildings or structures in identified areas.

LLRZ-P7Road Setbacks

To avoid ribbon development and maintain the rural outlook from state highways and roads shown on the planning maps, by ensuring buildings and building areas are setback from the road boundary.

LLRZ-P8Residential Intensity and Yield of Subdivision

To avoid the loss of a sense of open space and rural outlook by:

  1. Limiting the density of residential units.

  2. Limiting the yield of subdivision to reflect a large lot residential intensity of development.

  3. Requiring uninhabited spaces between residential clusters to be contiguous and protected in perpetuity.

LLRZ-P9Non-Residential Activities

To protect character and amenity by restricting the establishment of non-residential activities and ensuring that any non-residential ancillary activities are of a design, scale and appearance that is compatible with a large lot residential context.

LLRZ-P10Esplanade Areas

To protect esplanade areas and to reserve waterfront walkways by avoiding impervious areas adjacent to Mean High Water Springs and river banks.

LLRZ-P11Lot Size

To minimise the amount of unproductive land use and unnecessary curtilage by requiring additional residential allotments to be as small as practicable.


To consolidate built form and locate new building areas near any existing or proposed building areas so as to maximise the extent of uninhabited space between residential clusters.

LLRZ-P13Subdivision Design

To design subdivision and development to preserve rural character and amenity by:

  1. Recognising and taking into account all site specific elements and features.

  2. Requiring the maintenance and enhancement of any existing indigenous vegetation and habitats and natural waterbodies.

  3. Recognising and maintaining any Sites of Significance to Māori.

LLRZ-P14Environmental Enhancement

To consider multi-unit or infill development on those lots smaller than 2,500m2 where higher densities of development are off-set by significant enhancement of natural and environmental features.

LLRZ-P15Indigenous Vegetation

To preserve rural character and amenity and to enhance biodiversity by limiting clearance of indigenous vegetation or the disturbance of land in identified significant habitats.


LLRZ-R1Any Activity Not Otherwise Listed in This Chapter

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Resource consent is not required under any rule of the District Plan.

  2. The activity is not prohibited under any rule of the District Plan.

LLRZ-R2Minor Buildings

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Minor buildings are exempt from rules LLRZ-R3 – R6.

LLRZ-R3Building and Major Structure Height

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum building height and major structure height is 8m above ground level.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R4Building and Major Structure Setbacks

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All buildings and major structures are set back at least:

    1. 20m from road boundaries shown on the planning maps.

    2. 27m from Mean High Water Springs or the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

  2. All buildings and major structures are located within 50m of:

    1. An existing building or major structure; or

    2. An approved building area within the Large Lot Residential Zone; or

    3. A site within a Residential Zone.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R5Building and Major Structure Height in Relation to Boundary

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All buildings and major structures do not exceed a height equal to 3m above ground level plus the shortest horizontal distance between that part of the building or major structure and any site boundary.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R6Building and Major Structure Coverage

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum cumulative building and major structure coverage is 500m2 on any site.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R7Impervious Areas

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. All cumulative impervious areas (including buildings) within the site are less than 1,000m² of the site area.

  2. The impervious area is set back at least 5m from Mean High Water Springs and the top of the bank of any river that has a width exceeding 3m (excluding bridges, culverts and fences).

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R8Indigenous Vegetation Clearance

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The clearance of indigenous vegetation either:

    1. Does not exceed 500m2 per site within each 10-year period from 15 September 2022; and

    2. Is not within 20m of a water body; or

    3. Is within a single urban environment allotment; or

    4. Is associated with:

      1. Routine maintenance within 7.5m of the eaves of existing buildings:

        1. Including the removal of any tree where any part of the trunk is within the 7.5m distance.

        2. Excluding damage to the roots or removal of any tree where the trunk is outside the 7.5m distance.

      2. Operation, maintenance and repair of existing tracks, lawns, gardens, fences, drains and other lawfully established activities.

      3. Pest plant removal and biosecurity works.

      4. Vegetation removal for customary rights.

      5. Conservation planting, including planting for ecological restoration purposes.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary


Activity Status: Permitted


  1. Within a 12 month period less than 2,000m2 of soil is exposed at any one time.

  2. Any cut or fill height is less than 2m.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R10Outdoor Areas of Storage or Stockpiles

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The outdoor area of storage or stockpile:

    1. Complies with rules LLRZ-R3 – R6.

    2. Is screened from view from adjacent public places and surrounding sites, except for construction materials to be used on-site for a maximum period of 12 months within each 10-year period from 15 September 2022.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R11Residential Unit

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The maximum density will not exceed one residential unit per 5,000m2, provided that one residential unit is permitted on an allotment of any size with the exception being any allotment in areas protected under LLRZ-R11.2 and SUB-R3.1.

  2. The residential unit is not constructed or located within an area previously identified as an area for indefinite retention, such as a no build, no residential or conservation covenant, consent notice or similar.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with LLRZ-R11.1: Discretionary

Activity Status when compliance not achieved with LLRZ-R11.2: Prohibited

LLRZ-R12Sensitive Activity

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The sensitive activity is set back further than:

    1. 500m from the Mining Area of a Quarrying Resource Area.

    2. 500m from a Heavy Industrial Zone

    3. 30m from the Rural Production Zone.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R13Commercial Service

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity:

    1. Does not exceed the use of 45m2 gross floor area or 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site, whichever is the lesser.

    2. Has a total area of signage no greater than 0.25m2 per site.

    3. Does not have illuminated or moving signage.

    4. Generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

    5. Does not operate or open for visitors, clients, deliveries or servicing outside of the hours of 06:00 – 22:00.

    6. Does not have car parking located between the activity and the road.

    7. Does not involve, in addition to the principal operator, more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary

LLRZ-R14Artisan Industrial Activities

Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity:

    1. Does not exceed the use of 45m2 gross floor area or 15% of the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site, whichever is the lesser.

    2. Has a total area of signage no greater than 0.25m2 per site.

    3. Does not have illuminated or moving signage.

    4. Generates less than 20 traffic movements per site, per day.

    5. Does not operate or open for visitors, clients, deliveries or servicing outside of the hours of 06:00 – 22:00.

    6. Does not have car parking located between the activity and the road.

    7. Does not involve, in addition to the principal operator, more than two other persons engaged in providing the activity.

Activity Status when compliance not achieved: Discretionary


Activity Status: Permitted


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R16Place of Assembly

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R17Recreational Facilities

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R18Educational Facilities

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R19Supported Residential Care

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R20Retirement Village

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R21Visitor Accommodation

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R22Care Centre

Activity Status: Discretionary


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R23Plantation Forestry

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R24Intensive Livestock Farming

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R25Farm Quarrying

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R26General Industry

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R29Repair and Maintenance Services

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R30Marine Industry

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R31Retail Activity

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R32Service Stations

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R33Funeral Home

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R34Food and Beverage Activity

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R35Entertainment Facilities

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R36Emergency Services

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R38General Commercial

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R39General Community

Activity Status: Non-Complying


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.

LLRZ-R40Waste Management Facility

Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.


Activity Status: Prohibited


  1. The activity is a primary activity or ancillary activity.